Scrolls chapter of Trent
Segnalo the SIAS website from which you can see the scrolls of the cathedral chapter of Trent their summaries.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Friday, April 18, 2008
Angela Myammee Pits Topless
Surfing the net in search of materials for World Book and Copyright (23 April), I found this c atalogue open the Library Malatesta of Cesena. It seems to me interesting
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Pctv 150e/55e Driver Xp
DECREE - March 26, 2008, No 62
were definitively approved by the Council of Ministers of 19 March 2008, the two legislative decrees concerning further corrective and supplementary provisions of the Code of Cultural Heritage and Landscape (Legislative Decree 42/2004).
The changes affect both the cultural heritage is part of the landscape.
On both measures already approved in advance by the Council of Ministers of 25 January 2008, they expressed a favorable opinion, is the Joint Conference (February 28, 2008) that the relevant Committees of the House and Senate (5-6 March 2008) .
The first decree, which covers cultural, spoke on the movement of things of historical and artistic interest, reconsider the discipline of archival heritage preservation, defines a more stringent protection of cultural heritage owned by public bodies, legal entities of private, legally recognized ecclesiastical bodies.
The second decree, which covers the landscape of innovation in concept, landscape planning, landscape authorization system.
The two measures will become operational after the promulgation of the Head of state and publication in the Official Gazette.
Here you can find the text of the final Dleg March 26, 2008, No 62, published in the Official Gazette.
particular interest to Article 2 that count some things that may be of interest to archivists.
were definitively approved by the Council of Ministers of 19 March 2008, the two legislative decrees concerning further corrective and supplementary provisions of the Code of Cultural Heritage and Landscape (Legislative Decree 42/2004).
The changes affect both the cultural heritage is part of the landscape.
On both measures already approved in advance by the Council of Ministers of 25 January 2008, they expressed a favorable opinion, is the Joint Conference (February 28, 2008) that the relevant Committees of the House and Senate (5-6 March 2008) .
The first decree, which covers cultural, spoke on the movement of things of historical and artistic interest, reconsider the discipline of archival heritage preservation, defines a more stringent protection of cultural heritage owned by public bodies, legal entities of private, legally recognized ecclesiastical bodies.
The second decree, which covers the landscape of innovation in concept, landscape planning, landscape authorization system.
The two measures will become operational after the promulgation of the Head of state and publication in the Official Gazette.
Here you can find the text of the final Dleg March 26, 2008, No 62, published in the Official Gazette.
particular interest to Article 2 that count some things that may be of interest to archivists.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
How Do You Work A Polaroid Camera
Here is a summary of the measures used in the Trentino area. For the scope
Tyrolean do not know if they are equally valid.
I. Surface measurements:
- the rain (in Trent 3382 sqm);
- field;
- the acre (in use in Bolzano);
II. Volume measures: a.
for cereals:
- a bushel (modium, at Trent about 170 liters);
- the bushel (starium, sextarium, approximately 21.3 liters = 1 bushel 8 bushels);
- the stariolum (maybe 3 stariola = 1 bushel);
- the Galeta (probably 5 galete = 1 somma, quindi 1 galeta = 31,7 litri)
b. per il vino:
- il carro (plaustrum, a Trento 628 litri);
- la castelata (forse pari al carro);
- l’orna (urna) o concio (a Trento 78,5 litri; a Termeno 81,6 litri)
c. per l’olio:
- la galeta (forse 5 galete = 1 moggio, e allora 1 galeta = circa 34 litri).
- Lo staio (3 staia = 1 galeta).
III. Misure di peso:
- la libbra (a Trento 0,336 kg)
come testi di riferimento, per eventuali curiosi, Manuale di metrologia, ossia, Misure, pesi e monete in uso attualmente e anticamente presso tutti i popoli di Angelo Martini or Beschreibung zu Alte und Lokale nichtmetrische Gewicht und ihre Masse und Grossen nach metrischem System of Wilhelm Rottleuthner .
Indication of Interest were also Tridentinische Urbar of Schneller on pp. 140-162.
(information from Trentino Documents in the archives of Innsbruck (1145-1284) , edited by Cristina Belloni Autonomous Province of Trento. Superintendence for the archival and library material, 2004)
Here is a summary of the measures used in the Trentino area. For the scope
Tyrolean do not know if they are equally valid.
I. Surface measurements:
- the rain (in Trent 3382 sqm);
- field;
- the acre (in use in Bolzano);
II. Volume measures: a.
for cereals:
- a bushel (modium, at Trent about 170 liters);
- the bushel (starium, sextarium, approximately 21.3 liters = 1 bushel 8 bushels);
- the stariolum (maybe 3 stariola = 1 bushel);
- the Galeta (probably 5 galete = 1 somma, quindi 1 galeta = 31,7 litri)
b. per il vino:
- il carro (plaustrum, a Trento 628 litri);
- la castelata (forse pari al carro);
- l’orna (urna) o concio (a Trento 78,5 litri; a Termeno 81,6 litri)
c. per l’olio:
- la galeta (forse 5 galete = 1 moggio, e allora 1 galeta = circa 34 litri).
- Lo staio (3 staia = 1 galeta).
III. Misure di peso:
- la libbra (a Trento 0,336 kg)
come testi di riferimento, per eventuali curiosi, Manuale di metrologia, ossia, Misure, pesi e monete in uso attualmente e anticamente presso tutti i popoli di Angelo Martini or Beschreibung zu Alte und Lokale nichtmetrische Gewicht und ihre Masse und Grossen nach metrischem System of Wilhelm Rottleuthner .
Indication of Interest were also Tridentinische Urbar of Schneller on pp. 140-162.
(information from Trentino Documents in the archives of Innsbruck (1145-1284) , edited by Cristina Belloni Autonomous Province of Trento. Superintendence for the archival and library material, 2004)
Adenomyosis And Omega 3
Electrosmog yes or no: third part
Per la cronaca, sul terrazzo dell’attico del mio amico rilevammo valori piuttosto oltre il limit, even if there is to say that the duration of these "peaks" was always few minutes. It would have been appropriate to make an average at least four hours long, but I had all this time to lose, I did not much stand there and put up with those emissions. So I left the instrument on loan to his friend, who took over for a few days always elevated. When they arrived and warned the ARPA (later time) with their instruments, strangely that day was all right. Hence the suspicion
... There must also be said that the law excludes relief from balconies and terraces, so the bottom was only to blame in der place.
As you can see from the photos I post, as it happens two measurements that I made I have found a higher level of emissions, even if just to tell the truth (6.6 V / m below the former water tower water, and 6.9 V / m close to my hardware vendor of choice for my achievements). Also to be honest, we must recognize that two samples are a little 'just statistically speaking, the equipment may also enter other noise sources such as television signals.
while taking these measures, taking the instrument the left hand and the camera with his right hand to document the results, those who passed were the faces and comments that ranged from the fun (anvedi 'I'm crazy, but that that which has the odd mobile phone) to the worried (but who is, but he is prepared to 'an attack?).
However, in principle, I think we can rest easy. The towers have risen in recent years, and although this may seem paradosale not a bad thing because it creates more cells that transmit base (hence the name of the phone), so you need a less power to cover the territory. I would worry more about the mobile phone ear, so to speak. Be brief (among other things should cost) and use the headset as possible. I conclude with a little 'based on the anecdotal experiences, just to understand what you may have in extreme cases.
1) while serving with the Navy (oh yes), one day we did the transmission tests on board a cruiser with a highly directive antenna (the speech of the radiation lobe, but this time we could say similar to the beam light of a torch) I saw with my own eyes a gull run too close bold pull-up to this antenna, and then immediately drop stone dead on the flight deck, literally cooked.
2) Also in the Navy, a day that happened to all those who had stationed a little 'more than usual in the fax room, his eyes burned unbearably, with strong eyes.
Outside the window of this room, very close, rose from the garden below a large antenna for telecommunications, like a flagpole for the flag. It turned out that that day the power was inadvertently trasmisione increased, and that the burning of the eyes was due to the generation of micro-electric currents induced in the tear film, which has a certain natural conductivity.
3) The company where I worked previously built radar, than to have an idea that we see running at airports to prevent the irradiation of the surrounding houses and the same employees, usually these radars is inhibited by software a particular sector (think of a slice of cake), where is the slice (the people), the radar during his tour automatically turns off while in the rest of the cake (the open countryside, sea, uninhabited areas, etc..) radar emits radio waves. Well, one day was accidentally reversed this mechanism, and what we noticed any "brushed" the radar for us, it was the "flicker" of PC monitors and above the spontaneous ignition (per il tempo della spazzolata) delle luci al neon sul soffitto, senza che nessuno toccasse l’interruttore. Dopo furibonde telefonate ed un improvviso sciopero spontaneo, finalmente si decisero a notare l’errore.
Al di là di questi casi limite , in genere la radiofrequenza in cui siamo nostro malgrado immersi non è così pericolosa (mi riservo qualche dubbio su Radio Vaticana e Radio Maria, ma d’altronde c’è da capirli: la lieta novella va diffusa a qualunque costo ).
Inoltre, anche se andassimo a vivere su una remota isola del pacifico, non sfuggiremmo alle “fotografie” radar con cui i satelliti artificiali bersagliano continuamente la Earth, so let's not worry too much about the towers for mobile phones.
This series of posts has addressed the issue to electrosmog high frequency, but we anticipated that, weather permitting, I'll be facing the same issue on the front of the bass (towers for power lines, electrical systems, transformers on standby, appliances, alarm clocks, etc...)
So how do we know that the trellis in front of home, school, office transmits within the limits? Unfortunately we can only do so much, why bother before the ARPA should have reasonable assurance that these limits are exceeded, and who can give us that certainty unless a sophisticated (and expensive) measuring equipment? Moreover it seems that the ARPA mobile operators a warning before about the day when those checks will be carried out, negating the element of surprise. A little 'as if the Financial Police warned that people would first check the books.
For this reason, at the request of a blogger friend of long standing which had placed a repeater on the roof of the building in front, long ago I built an economical but sufficiently accurate that could carry out such measures. Nothing brilliant, not invention, is clear: a simple kit to buy and fit within a couple of nights free.
course, exist to much more expensive, but not necessarily that are more sophisticated: scrolling specifications declared by the manufacturers, it discovers that it can lead to a tolerance (the error in percent measurement made) up to 10%, and sincerely from one instrument to several hundred euro expect a bit 'more. Probably parte del prezzo è giustificato da tutta una serie di funzioni accessorie quali la possibilità di registrare la media delle letture lungo più ore di funzionamento, la possibilità di interfacciamento al computer e altre frocerie del genere. In fondo a me serviva uno strumento semplice, che facesse una sola cosa, possibilmente bene.
È lo strumento che vedete nelle foto, con il quale mi sono divertito in questi giorni a misurare il campo emesso ad alcune decine di metri di distanza dai ripetitori della mia zona.
For this reason, at the request of a blogger friend of long standing which had placed a repeater on the roof of the building in front, long ago I built an economical but sufficiently accurate that could carry out such measures. Nothing brilliant, not invention, is clear: a simple kit to buy and fit within a couple of nights free.
course, exist to much more expensive, but not necessarily that are more sophisticated: scrolling specifications declared by the manufacturers, it discovers that it can lead to a tolerance (the error in percent measurement made) up to 10%, and sincerely from one instrument to several hundred euro expect a bit 'more. Probably parte del prezzo è giustificato da tutta una serie di funzioni accessorie quali la possibilità di registrare la media delle letture lungo più ore di funzionamento, la possibilità di interfacciamento al computer e altre frocerie del genere. In fondo a me serviva uno strumento semplice, che facesse una sola cosa, possibilmente bene.
È lo strumento che vedete nelle foto, con il quale mi sono divertito in questi giorni a misurare il campo emesso ad alcune decine di metri di distanza dai ripetitori della mia zona.

Per la cronaca, sul terrazzo dell’attico del mio amico rilevammo valori piuttosto oltre il limit, even if there is to say that the duration of these "peaks" was always few minutes. It would have been appropriate to make an average at least four hours long, but I had all this time to lose, I did not much stand there and put up with those emissions. So I left the instrument on loan to his friend, who took over for a few days always elevated. When they arrived and warned the ARPA (later time) with their instruments, strangely that day was all right. Hence the suspicion
... There must also be said that the law excludes relief from balconies and terraces, so the bottom was only to blame in der place.

As you can see from the photos I post, as it happens two measurements that I made I have found a higher level of emissions, even if just to tell the truth (6.6 V / m below the former water tower water, and 6.9 V / m close to my hardware vendor of choice for my achievements). Also to be honest, we must recognize that two samples are a little 'just statistically speaking, the equipment may also enter other noise sources such as television signals.
while taking these measures, taking the instrument the left hand and the camera with his right hand to document the results, those who passed were the faces and comments that ranged from the fun (anvedi 'I'm crazy, but that that which has the odd mobile phone) to the worried (but who is, but he is prepared to 'an attack?).
However, in principle, I think we can rest easy. The towers have risen in recent years, and although this may seem paradosale not a bad thing because it creates more cells that transmit base (hence the name of the phone), so you need a less power to cover the territory. I would worry more about the mobile phone ear, so to speak. Be brief (among other things should cost) and use the headset as possible. I conclude with a little 'based on the anecdotal experiences, just to understand what you may have in extreme cases.
1) while serving with the Navy (oh yes), one day we did the transmission tests on board a cruiser with a highly directive antenna (the speech of the radiation lobe, but this time we could say similar to the beam light of a torch) I saw with my own eyes a gull run too close bold pull-up to this antenna, and then immediately drop stone dead on the flight deck, literally cooked.
2) Also in the Navy, a day that happened to all those who had stationed a little 'more than usual in the fax room, his eyes burned unbearably, with strong eyes.
Outside the window of this room, very close, rose from the garden below a large antenna for telecommunications, like a flagpole for the flag. It turned out that that day the power was inadvertently trasmisione increased, and that the burning of the eyes was due to the generation of micro-electric currents induced in the tear film, which has a certain natural conductivity.
3) The company where I worked previously built radar, than to have an idea that we see running at airports to prevent the irradiation of the surrounding houses and the same employees, usually these radars is inhibited by software a particular sector (think of a slice of cake), where is the slice (the people), the radar during his tour automatically turns off while in the rest of the cake (the open countryside, sea, uninhabited areas, etc..) radar emits radio waves. Well, one day was accidentally reversed this mechanism, and what we noticed any "brushed" the radar for us, it was the "flicker" of PC monitors and above the spontaneous ignition (per il tempo della spazzolata) delle luci al neon sul soffitto, senza che nessuno toccasse l’interruttore. Dopo furibonde telefonate ed un improvviso sciopero spontaneo, finalmente si decisero a notare l’errore.
Al di là di questi casi limite , in genere la radiofrequenza in cui siamo nostro malgrado immersi non è così pericolosa (mi riservo qualche dubbio su Radio Vaticana e Radio Maria, ma d’altronde c’è da capirli: la lieta novella va diffusa a qualunque costo ).
Inoltre, anche se andassimo a vivere su una remota isola del pacifico, non sfuggiremmo alle “fotografie” radar con cui i satelliti artificiali bersagliano continuamente la Earth, so let's not worry too much about the towers for mobile phones.
This series of posts has addressed the issue to electrosmog high frequency, but we anticipated that, weather permitting, I'll be facing the same issue on the front of the bass (towers for power lines, electrical systems, transformers on standby, appliances, alarm clocks, etc...)
Monday, March 17, 2008
Dog Vomiting Mucus And Blood
Electrosmog yes or no: part
Infatti come si vede in figura, il lobo di radiazione (tra due righe lo spiego) di queste antenne non è omnidirezionale, cioè non irradia ugualmente in tutte le direzioni: non servirebbe a niente disperdere potenza verso l’alto. Un po’ come quelle insulse lampade da giardino fatte a palla, la cui luce parte inutilmente anche in direzione di lontane galassie. Invece queste antenne sono fatte in modo da focalizzare l’emissione in una direzione preference (wide horizontal and narrow vertically, like a sort of fig leaf of india) who is receiving very little in the signal. Think of the light beam of the headlights in the dark, designed to cover an area located a few meters in front of the car and pointed slightly down, if you were to serve this light to see a coin just below the bumper, there will do little good, right? The same with the repeaters, that "light up" the whole area around which are placed (but who covers the area below where they are placed? Another repeater not far from there, but that's another story. afraid eh?).
But Archimedes, you say, went through another episode without telling us what we can do to see if the trellis in front of our house (or school of my children, or in front of the office where I spend eight hours or more) to provide or not within the legal limits.
You are right, but today I overflowed: the following post it sooner than you might think.
We were left with the question about what were the legal limits of radio frequency emissions, and how to verify that they are respected.
As mentioned in previous posts, in Italy the law No. 381 del 3/11/1998 (entrata in vigore il 2/1/1999) stabilisce all’art. 4 comma 2 il limite massimo che non si dovrebbe mai superare per un’ esposizione prolungata (viene specificato un tempo uguale o maggiore a quattro ore): esso è di 6 Volt/metro (sei Volt per metro).
Indipendentemente quindi dalla frequenza emessa, si considera l’intensità di campo elettrico associato a tali emissioni. Anche se l’autorità competente in materia (l’ARPA, Agenzia Regionale Protezione Ambientale) afferma che il cittadino è tutelato da questa legge, avete mai visto qualcuno che controlli periodicamente queste emissioni? Io no. Non ci si deve perciò stupire se, dopo una prima rigorosa verifica da parte degli enti preposti, la potenza possa venire alterata abusivamente dai gestori per aumentare l’area di copertura, dato che ovviamente ciò costa molto meno che installare un nuovo traliccio (evitando quindi proteste e problemi vari con la gente, che non vuole il ripetitore però si lamenta se non c’è campo ).
Al riguardo poi di questi fatidici 6 V/m c’è in giro un’ignoranza raccapricciante, specialmente su internet può risultare complicato discernere un sito con informazioni corrette da uno contenente bestialità: mi è capitato dunque di leggere 6 Watts per meter (thus confusing the Volt with Watt). Apart from the fact that if anything we should talk about watts per square meter , without the necessary equivalences this value is in fact tantamount to 47.5 Volt / m , that is a limit to eight times higher than allowed by law. The Volt is one thing, another Watt. Otherwise there would be no need for two different units. Yet no one would dream of confusing the chili with the meters. Perhaps the only one who could succeed with its dialectical nature but also conciliatory, to bring together the two different sizes, can only be him Watt er Volt neurons. (Okay, 'a little' healthy faffing of pre-election there is, come on).
Elsewhere it is stated that this measure should be taken one meter from the antenna , ignoring that the electromagnetic field decreases with the square of the distance (if a meter measuring a tot, two meters will have tot / 4 , three meters will have tot / 9, still a meter and read tot/16, and so on). We need instead to know the ASR field in our living room, or worse in the bedroom where we sleep for eight hours (seh, maybe!), In other contexts is even said that you need to get a metal plate one square meter and connect it to a voltmeter to be read. Everything will get confused if you're not in the field, but I assure you that if we ask the Wizard of lights Arcella maybe we would not bullshit.
In some forum I have also taken undue alarm, but as in any hospital is laid out a good sign that prohibits to turn the phone on, to avoid interference with the sophisticated medical equipment (LOL, see post on phones in an aircraft) then maybe it comes out and - surprise! - You notice any of these repeaters virtually front of the hospital, 24-hour course on 24 and radiating power of some more of our small cell. Not to mention the repeaters placed close to child .
The law, however, is just more cautious about these and other special sites: the minimum distance plants it increased up to 50 meters , and as said before is easy to calculate that the emitted field will be worth 2500 times less than not to a meter away from the antenna.
And for those of our building repeaters that we have indignantly refused condominium at the meeting, only to vederceli placed on the roof of the building in front ? The owners of the building have accepted rimborso fornito loro dalla compagnia telefonica, tanto a loro che je frega... Anche se può sembrare strano ai più, chi starà peggio sarete voi e tutto il circondario, meno che… essi stessi!
As mentioned in previous posts, in Italy the law No. 381 del 3/11/1998 (entrata in vigore il 2/1/1999) stabilisce all’art. 4 comma 2 il limite massimo che non si dovrebbe mai superare per un’ esposizione prolungata (viene specificato un tempo uguale o maggiore a quattro ore): esso è di 6 Volt/metro (sei Volt per metro).
Indipendentemente quindi dalla frequenza emessa, si considera l’intensità di campo elettrico associato a tali emissioni. Anche se l’autorità competente in materia (l’ARPA, Agenzia Regionale Protezione Ambientale) afferma che il cittadino è tutelato da questa legge, avete mai visto qualcuno che controlli periodicamente queste emissioni? Io no. Non ci si deve perciò stupire se, dopo una prima rigorosa verifica da parte degli enti preposti, la potenza possa venire alterata abusivamente dai gestori per aumentare l’area di copertura, dato che ovviamente ciò costa molto meno che installare un nuovo traliccio (evitando quindi proteste e problemi vari con la gente, che non vuole il ripetitore però si lamenta se non c’è campo ).
Al riguardo poi di questi fatidici 6 V/m c’è in giro un’ignoranza raccapricciante, specialmente su internet può risultare complicato discernere un sito con informazioni corrette da uno contenente bestialità: mi è capitato dunque di leggere 6 Watts per meter (thus confusing the Volt with Watt). Apart from the fact that if anything we should talk about watts per square meter , without the necessary equivalences this value is in fact tantamount to 47.5 Volt / m , that is a limit to eight times higher than allowed by law. The Volt is one thing, another Watt. Otherwise there would be no need for two different units. Yet no one would dream of confusing the chili with the meters. Perhaps the only one who could succeed with its dialectical nature but also conciliatory, to bring together the two different sizes, can only be him Watt er Volt neurons. (Okay, 'a little' healthy faffing of pre-election there is, come on).
Elsewhere it is stated that this measure should be taken one meter from the antenna , ignoring that the electromagnetic field decreases with the square of the distance (if a meter measuring a tot, two meters will have tot / 4 , three meters will have tot / 9, still a meter and read tot/16, and so on). We need instead to know the ASR field in our living room, or worse in the bedroom where we sleep for eight hours (seh, maybe!), In other contexts is even said that you need to get a metal plate one square meter and connect it to a voltmeter to be read. Everything will get confused if you're not in the field, but I assure you that if we ask the Wizard of lights Arcella maybe we would not bullshit.
In some forum I have also taken undue alarm, but as in any hospital is laid out a good sign that prohibits to turn the phone on, to avoid interference with the sophisticated medical equipment (LOL, see post on phones in an aircraft) then maybe it comes out and - surprise! - You notice any of these repeaters virtually front of the hospital, 24-hour course on 24 and radiating power of some more of our small cell. Not to mention the repeaters placed close to child .
The law, however, is just more cautious about these and other special sites: the minimum distance plants it increased up to 50 meters , and as said before is easy to calculate that the emitted field will be worth 2500 times less than not to a meter away from the antenna.
And for those of our building repeaters that we have indignantly refused condominium at the meeting, only to vederceli placed on the roof of the building in front ? The owners of the building have accepted rimborso fornito loro dalla compagnia telefonica, tanto a loro che je frega... Anche se può sembrare strano ai più, chi starà peggio sarete voi e tutto il circondario, meno che… essi stessi!

Infatti come si vede in figura, il lobo di radiazione (tra due righe lo spiego) di queste antenne non è omnidirezionale, cioè non irradia ugualmente in tutte le direzioni: non servirebbe a niente disperdere potenza verso l’alto. Un po’ come quelle insulse lampade da giardino fatte a palla, la cui luce parte inutilmente anche in direzione di lontane galassie. Invece queste antenne sono fatte in modo da focalizzare l’emissione in una direzione preference (wide horizontal and narrow vertically, like a sort of fig leaf of india) who is receiving very little in the signal. Think of the light beam of the headlights in the dark, designed to cover an area located a few meters in front of the car and pointed slightly down, if you were to serve this light to see a coin just below the bumper, there will do little good, right? The same with the repeaters, that "light up" the whole area around which are placed (but who covers the area below where they are placed? Another repeater not far from there, but that's another story. afraid eh?).
But Archimedes, you say, went through another episode without telling us what we can do to see if the trellis in front of our house (or school of my children, or in front of the office where I spend eight hours or more) to provide or not within the legal limits.
You are right, but today I overflowed: the following post it sooner than you might think.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Power Analysis Calculator
world Goswin, monaco
I thought that this subject always edited by Giuseppe Albertoni, could be interesting.
I thought that this subject always edited by Giuseppe Albertoni, could be interesting.
Texas Souvenirs Unlimited
of the fourteenth century coins in the '300 Bolzano
I must point out this page written by Albertoni on the coins used in the '300 Bolzano.
The entire publication from which the above chapter is taken can be helpful, providing a rather large daily life in the Bolzano Three hundred. It 'a publication of Labdocstoria for use by schools, so very easy and accessible, but still, in some versi, interessante
I must point out this page written by Albertoni on the coins used in the '300 Bolzano.
The entire publication from which the above chapter is taken can be helpful, providing a rather large daily life in the Bolzano Three hundred. It 'a publication of Labdocstoria for use by schools, so very easy and accessible, but still, in some versi, interessante
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Mount Blade Wedding Dance Hakkinda
from singular to plural
Una piccola nota ad un plurale che mi lasciava perplessa: quello di "staio".
Ho fatto una piccola ricerca e ho risolto i miei dubbi.
Il termine staio ha ben tre possibilità di plurale, legate al significato che il termine assume.
Quando con staio si intende l'unità di misura di capacità per aridi, il plurale è staia .
Quando invece con il termine si indica il recipiente per la misura di uno staio (in legno, cilindrico e a doghe cerchiate) il plurale è stai .
Quando ci si riferisce, per estensione, alla superficie of land needed to sow a bushel of wheat, the plural is bushels, but was once also used staiora " to them for these works so egregious was donated by the public land for each of two staiora " (Machiavelli, Discourses on Livy, 24)
Una piccola nota ad un plurale che mi lasciava perplessa: quello di "staio".
Ho fatto una piccola ricerca e ho risolto i miei dubbi.
Il termine staio ha ben tre possibilità di plurale, legate al significato che il termine assume.
Quando con staio si intende l'unità di misura di capacità per aridi, il plurale è staia .
Quando invece con il termine si indica il recipiente per la misura di uno staio (in legno, cilindrico e a doghe cerchiate) il plurale è stai .
Quando ci si riferisce, per estensione, alla superficie of land needed to sow a bushel of wheat, the plural is bushels, but was once also used staiora " to them for these works so egregious was donated by the public land for each of two staiora " (Machiavelli, Discourses on Livy, 24)
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Trowel Size Shower Tiles
Electrosmog yes or no: the first part.
By popular demand, here is the post on repeaters for mobile phones, but Having noticed that this time the length was really exaggerated, I decided to approach the subject by breaking it down into episodes, I hope a few . Go to the first.

Many of you have undoubtedly heard the expression electro , a neologism that would indicate - in analogy with the smog pollution - the electromagnetic pollution which would be subject to the space around us, in a city or country, particularly in relation to radio links (or more properly the repeaters) to transmit and receive radio frequency signals (henceforth: RF) of mobile phones. The actual radio links are another matter: they often have satellite dishes (but not only) and are used to transmit signals of all kinds, from those for TV and other telecommunications in general.
As you noticed I used the conditional would like, since the scientific community is divided not only on the effects of these emissions on our health, but even the term itself (electro), according to some scientists (the likes of Tullio Regge, for example), is a real frescaccia, always to put it scientifically.
In fact, this RF, once turned off the transmitter that generated it, it disappears instantly, leaving no trace any atmosphere, water, plants or other physical reality, as opposed to particulate matter, dioxins, Sulphur and lead tetraethyl smog "traditional".
right, then maybe "pollution" is not the right word.
But I certainly do not come to the conclusion that exposure to electromagnetic fields is without consequences: the point is not whether you pollute rivers or lakes, the point is to understand whether and how these emissions would hurt our loved cells. Unfortunately, nobody has a definitive answer to the various studies is in dispute, a poor statistical validity, and the number of samples found that as an extension of time of sampling (heater it will take at least 10 years on many people) even if it is proved that exposure to field issued during a phone conversation the average rises (slightly, but the rising ) the temperature of the brain. After all just think for a moment as we passed, the same principle to cook the meat in the microwave at home: there are at stake and a high power high frequency as well, but not that much: the trick is that it is the frequency at which the water molecule (found in foods) resonates absorbing energy from the RF field and thus heats up very quickly.
Everything thus depends on the dose and times, and as we also see the frequency concerned: to better explain the concept I want to use a comparison, perhaps even too far, since the light is also electromagnetic radiation. If in the middle of August there esponessimo rays of the sun for seven hours in the evening we would have completely burned the body, but if there esponessimo for ten minutes, not even one o'clock in the afternoon, will not escape even tan. Besides the burns would blame that more of the infrared radiation, which binds to the speech frequencies.
So, back to our RF, as well as exposure time other two parameters are important: in fact, the greater the frequency and of RF power, the greater the intensity of effects suffered. Without going into reasons purely physical-mathematical of the question, just know that if two signals have the same power , but one has a higher frequency than the other, it will also have more energy .
NOT Energy equals power, as every physicist knows. Trust me, if you do not trust and I send you a thorough discussion in private full of formulas. It is not a threat, it's a promise.
;-) But then, what are the limits of this jungle of physical quantities that I have listed, to be sure? And how can you make to have a measure of how the extent that we have placed the repeater di fronte casa? Vi posso anticipare che tale limite è stato fissato per legge a 6 Volt/metro (sei Volt per metro), e a quanto pare abbiamo un limite più severo di quello di diversi paesi europei, ma il post si è fatto lungo e chiariremo il significato di questa espressione alla prossima puntata (nel frattempo, potrei modificare la seconda puntata anche in funzione dei vostri commenti e domande).
As you noticed I used the conditional would like, since the scientific community is divided not only on the effects of these emissions on our health, but even the term itself (electro), according to some scientists (the likes of Tullio Regge, for example), is a real frescaccia, always to put it scientifically.
In fact, this RF, once turned off the transmitter that generated it, it disappears instantly, leaving no trace any atmosphere, water, plants or other physical reality, as opposed to particulate matter, dioxins, Sulphur and lead tetraethyl smog "traditional".
right, then maybe "pollution" is not the right word.
But I certainly do not come to the conclusion that exposure to electromagnetic fields is without consequences: the point is not whether you pollute rivers or lakes, the point is to understand whether and how these emissions would hurt our loved cells. Unfortunately, nobody has a definitive answer to the various studies is in dispute, a poor statistical validity, and the number of samples found that as an extension of time of sampling (heater it will take at least 10 years on many people) even if it is proved that exposure to field issued during a phone conversation the average rises (slightly, but the rising ) the temperature of the brain. After all just think for a moment as we passed, the same principle to cook the meat in the microwave at home: there are at stake and a high power high frequency as well, but not that much: the trick is that it is the frequency at which the water molecule (found in foods) resonates absorbing energy from the RF field and thus heats up very quickly.
Everything thus depends on the dose and times, and as we also see the frequency concerned: to better explain the concept I want to use a comparison, perhaps even too far, since the light is also electromagnetic radiation. If in the middle of August there esponessimo rays of the sun for seven hours in the evening we would have completely burned the body, but if there esponessimo for ten minutes, not even one o'clock in the afternoon, will not escape even tan. Besides the burns would blame that more of the infrared radiation, which binds to the speech frequencies.
So, back to our RF, as well as exposure time other two parameters are important: in fact, the greater the frequency and of RF power, the greater the intensity of effects suffered. Without going into reasons purely physical-mathematical of the question, just know that if two signals have the same power , but one has a higher frequency than the other, it will also have more energy .
NOT Energy equals power, as every physicist knows. Trust me, if you do not trust and I send you a thorough discussion in private full of formulas. It is not a threat, it's a promise.
;-) But then, what are the limits of this jungle of physical quantities that I have listed, to be sure? And how can you make to have a measure of how the extent that we have placed the repeater di fronte casa? Vi posso anticipare che tale limite è stato fissato per legge a 6 Volt/metro (sei Volt per metro), e a quanto pare abbiamo un limite più severo di quello di diversi paesi europei, ma il post si è fatto lungo e chiariremo il significato di questa espressione alla prossima puntata (nel frattempo, potrei modificare la seconda puntata anche in funzione dei vostri commenti e domande).
Monday, January 28, 2008
Siemens Gigaset Sl565 Bluetooth Problems
Phones on planes

Si possono usare i telefonini a bordo degli aerei di linea?
Warning: this post is so crazy long (1852 words, count from Word): if you have to do, believe me, better go back to read more calmly.
After many technical problems, more or less serious, occurring here and there in the world while the plane had already landed and still had to take off, and which was suspected interference from mobile phones, at the end there was a incident that could have been much more serious (I'll link new , have you ever seen someone if it was lost).
Leaving aside social considerations, given the rudeness of the people in restaurants, trains, lighting fixtures. (And for that alone I would be in favor of the prohibition: there can only please me being saved from ringtones idiotic conversations or even worse), the matter is potentially far more serious, as we have seen.
I did some laps on the Net just to test the opinions and, as with any argument, there is more of a "school of thought." The talk, however, are zero: a cell phone is in effect a radio transmitter, operating as appropriate at very specific frequency ranges .
I also came across by chance in a radio broadcast of Radiotre Science, where he was interviewed la D.ssa Maria Sabrina Sarto, docente di Elettrotecnica per l’Ingegneria Aerospaziale alla Sapienza di Roma. Mica pizza e fichi.
Mettiamo allora a confronto le chiacchiere e le leggende metropolitane rispetto a quanto dice la scienza, tenendo anche conto che in un sondaggio effettuato da alcune compagnie di volo in merito all’introduzione di tecnologie atte a poter permettere di telefonare con il cellulare sull’aereo, ben il 90% degli intervistati ha risposto che non vuole cellulari a bordo .
Opinione: “Tutte le compagnie sono concordi nel vietare l'uso del cellulare in volo, pur adottando regole differenti: alcune ordinano di spegnere i cellulari appena si varca la soglia del airplane, others tolerate them until you stop on the runway, while others require off when you switch on the engine, and so on, citing security reasons: the radiation, it is argued, would interfere with on-board instruments. "
Done "A mobile phone acts as a source of intentional electromagnetic field, and radiates the RF field in the frequencies typical of cell phones."
Archimedes: analyze and explain the words of Taylor: First, tell us that the source is intentional. Meaning? Consider the various devices (PED: Portable Electronic Devices, portable electronic devices), such as Playstation or a laptop computer to another, various kinds of electronic chip will issue too, for various technical reasons, small electromagnetic fields. However, those fields are much weaker than those of a phone (as well as operating at very different frequencies, and this has also ). Instead, the phone doing it on purpose, so to speak, to issue a field more intense heck is designed to do, to let you receive calls and transmit especially yours! Here we are talking about intentional source. Note, in the opinion stated, the use of the words "claiming " "It is argued " and doubted " interfere." But we continue with the facts, always with the words of Dr. Taylor:
"... field, which may cause interference on-board equipment through mating with the wiring aircraft and avionics devices.
translate yet. The key word is induce : even the good old Hertz , playing with wires and electricity, he discovered the phenomenon of ' electromagnetic induction. Attaching and detaching a battery to a large circular loop of wire, could result in the striking of a spark between the coil end of another identical post a few meters away, and completely unrelated to anything: he had discovered what Maxwell time before he theorized, that the electromagnetic waves, or the transmission of electrical signals without wires, through space (in honor of the unit of frequency, symbol Hz , now bears his name). Later also Marconi will enjoy stretch wires between the hills of Bologna, and invents the first wireless telegraph, then radio. The
experiments of Hertz, the telegraph, radio Marconi's exploits the electromagnetic coupling between the field and wire. With this physical phenomenon, those who live in Cesano (RM) can easily listen to the word of God directly into the intercom to say, thanks to the powerful Vatican radio emissions as well as having the privilege of living in a municipality with an incidence of leukemia triple than the average, more to say. Then he says that the Pope condemns this blog. But we digress ... So
phones interfere, not "interfere ": Have you ever left a cell phone near a radio or a stereo, warning that traditional t-tr-ttr-tt-r? Or, if it is a monitor, all those lines of disorder? There.
Review: "Lufthansa on average on each of its flights there is at least one passenger who forgets the phone on, but its planes do not fall."
Done: See the link mentioned above, even if a plane crashed Lufthansa. Or are we necessarily have to escape the dead, to take precautions?
Review: Some riders I know personally I have confessed to having forgotten the phone on the flight deck, a few inches from quell'intrico chips and avionics that allows the miracle of flight, and survived.
Done: But good! I can still see the link above and subsequent developments, it seems that someone was in the cabin to leave the phone turned on. Furthermore, "the tangle chips and avionics " is quite likely, as we have seen and deepen soon, and that the flight is not a miracle nor the Holy Spirit, but hundreds of scientific principles applied together to that object technology is a complex modern aircraft.
One of the wiring board is critical to the FADEC, this digital device in the engine that is used to control the injection of fuel into the engine. Just as happens with cars, aircraft engines are then injection, which means that even if the foot or the hand of the pilot presses the accelerator, as the planes of the '30s, who then injects the fuel is actually a sophisticated computer system that (even if a scenario is unlikely, but never impossible ) may exchange your call for the order to stop the flow of fuel to the engine. Well ... no, thanks: I prefer to live.
Review: "But some airlines are already experimenting with wireless connections for passengers!"
Fact: With just a few milliwatts, and many other frequencies, to achieve a connection access. I do not care if you start working on the computer, it gives me more trouble and bother me more mobile. We do not insist to compare different devices by putting them on equal footing. Let
still talk to Dr. Taylor: "If the information is digital FADEC corrupted by an electromagnetic field that could even lead - even though we are in an extreme case - the interruption of fuel to the engine. This even though such delicate cables are obviously protected by screens grounded and the signal is kind differential so much immune. "
Archimedes means: Typically, the cables carrying signals are covered (proceeding from the inside out) by an insulating material, a braid of thin wire and then again by insulating material.
braid (braided or ) wire is the screen, according to a principle discovered by Faraday : an electromagnetic signal can not "pass" within a metal cage if its wavelength is greater than the size of a single mesh. In practice, you have to think of a fly: If the links are 1 cm wide, not just pass mosquitoes but also flies, moths and hornets and maybe will be retained. A denser mesh mosquito net will not move even an insect. The same goes for the electrical signals: a shield of some kind could stop one type of signal but no other higher frequency (ie with a wavelength smaller). The signal type differential, then, is another trick well known to musicians who have spread meters of cables on stage without producing the annoying hum in speakers, but the treatment technique would be a bit 'long, that "sopravvoliamo.
Let's just say that sometimes the buzzing happens the same as you will have heard, so why should not something happen to crash the plane, and especially because we really andarcela to find? Again in the words of Dr. Taylor: "... but there must also be said that the cabling age, whether we realize it only when the fault happens because with these miles and miles of wiring on an aircraft is a comprehensive work Maintenance is something on the edge of the impossible. "
urban legend: "In reality, the mobile phone is banned in flight altitude and speed because it would confuse the telephone network by relying simultaneously to more than one base station, thus allowing free phone calls, and telephone companies are in cahoots with the airlines so as not to know of this wonderful opportunity. "
Fact: There were only these idiots to foment an irresponsible attitude. Assume also that a plane flying at 1000 km / hour. The speed of light, which travels to the electromagnetic waves (also because the light is made to order like) is about 300,000 km / sec., Ie more than one billion km / h: In your opinion, a signal which is a million times faster than the means by which party or which is intended, he was able to hear any difference? There. To give a sense of proportion, is like leaving an object in one place, make a round of ten kilometers an hour and find it moved to the back of a millimeter . So make no mistake: the call made in the air is charged just as if you did the ground.
Review: "For those who fly frequently on business, the time spent on board, a prisoner and cut off from the world, is an enormous waste . Many frequent flyer can not afford to be unavailable for six to eight hours. Can connect to the Internet for downloading and sending mail would solve many of the problems of boredom and availability that currently afflict the passengers. "
Archimedes, but we really respond to a guy like that? But bring a book or magazine is not it? Relax, think, sleep, or try it with the one next to the hostess? Advantage of not being found? Mah
I leave you with some last considerations:
military aircraft have the glass screen (and the only point where it could penetrate an unwanted signal, and see if the military has done so);
mobile phones are also prohibited on board oil tankers or ships carrying flammable gases, and you can guess why;
phones are banned in hospitals in the vicinity of electrical equipment and mobile units on board resuscitation: who knows why?
in my work cell phone use is prohibited during certain phases of construction of the satellite, in short, the phones have certainly critical frequencies for many industries: you do not see why it should not apply to an aircraft with human lives on board.
We therefore rely on the precautionary principle , that "we do not know if this is indispensable, but when in doubt, evitiamone use."
Warning: this post is so crazy long (1852 words, count from Word): if you have to do, believe me, better go back to read more calmly.
After many technical problems, more or less serious, occurring here and there in the world while the plane had already landed and still had to take off, and which was suspected interference from mobile phones, at the end there was a incident that could have been much more serious (I'll link new , have you ever seen someone if it was lost).
Leaving aside social considerations, given the rudeness of the people in restaurants, trains, lighting fixtures. (And for that alone I would be in favor of the prohibition: there can only please me being saved from ringtones idiotic conversations or even worse), the matter is potentially far more serious, as we have seen.
I did some laps on the Net just to test the opinions and, as with any argument, there is more of a "school of thought." The talk, however, are zero: a cell phone is in effect a radio transmitter, operating as appropriate at very specific frequency ranges .
I also came across by chance in a radio broadcast of Radiotre Science, where he was interviewed la D.ssa Maria Sabrina Sarto, docente di Elettrotecnica per l’Ingegneria Aerospaziale alla Sapienza di Roma. Mica pizza e fichi.
Mettiamo allora a confronto le chiacchiere e le leggende metropolitane rispetto a quanto dice la scienza, tenendo anche conto che in un sondaggio effettuato da alcune compagnie di volo in merito all’introduzione di tecnologie atte a poter permettere di telefonare con il cellulare sull’aereo, ben il 90% degli intervistati ha risposto che non vuole cellulari a bordo .
Opinione: “Tutte le compagnie sono concordi nel vietare l'uso del cellulare in volo, pur adottando regole differenti: alcune ordinano di spegnere i cellulari appena si varca la soglia del airplane, others tolerate them until you stop on the runway, while others require off when you switch on the engine, and so on, citing security reasons: the radiation, it is argued, would interfere with on-board instruments. "
Done "A mobile phone acts as a source of intentional electromagnetic field, and radiates the RF field in the frequencies typical of cell phones."
Archimedes: analyze and explain the words of Taylor: First, tell us that the source is intentional. Meaning? Consider the various devices (PED: Portable Electronic Devices, portable electronic devices), such as Playstation or a laptop computer to another, various kinds of electronic chip will issue too, for various technical reasons, small electromagnetic fields. However, those fields are much weaker than those of a phone (as well as operating at very different frequencies, and this has also ). Instead, the phone doing it on purpose, so to speak, to issue a field more intense heck is designed to do, to let you receive calls and transmit especially yours! Here we are talking about intentional source. Note, in the opinion stated, the use of the words "claiming " "It is argued " and doubted " interfere." But we continue with the facts, always with the words of Dr. Taylor:
"... field, which may cause interference on-board equipment through mating with the wiring aircraft and avionics devices.
translate yet. The key word is induce : even the good old Hertz , playing with wires and electricity, he discovered the phenomenon of ' electromagnetic induction. Attaching and detaching a battery to a large circular loop of wire, could result in the striking of a spark between the coil end of another identical post a few meters away, and completely unrelated to anything: he had discovered what Maxwell time before he theorized, that the electromagnetic waves, or the transmission of electrical signals without wires, through space (in honor of the unit of frequency, symbol Hz , now bears his name). Later also Marconi will enjoy stretch wires between the hills of Bologna, and invents the first wireless telegraph, then radio. The
experiments of Hertz, the telegraph, radio Marconi's exploits the electromagnetic coupling between the field and wire. With this physical phenomenon, those who live in Cesano (RM) can easily listen to the word of God directly into the intercom to say, thanks to the powerful Vatican radio emissions as well as having the privilege of living in a municipality with an incidence of leukemia triple than the average, more to say. Then he says that the Pope condemns this blog. But we digress ... So
phones interfere, not "interfere ": Have you ever left a cell phone near a radio or a stereo, warning that traditional t-tr-ttr-tt-r? Or, if it is a monitor, all those lines of disorder? There.
Review: "Lufthansa on average on each of its flights there is at least one passenger who forgets the phone on, but its planes do not fall."
Done: See the link mentioned above, even if a plane crashed Lufthansa. Or are we necessarily have to escape the dead, to take precautions?
Review: Some riders I know personally I have confessed to having forgotten the phone on the flight deck, a few inches from quell'intrico chips and avionics that allows the miracle of flight, and survived.
Done: But good! I can still see the link above and subsequent developments, it seems that someone was in the cabin to leave the phone turned on. Furthermore, "the tangle chips and avionics " is quite likely, as we have seen and deepen soon, and that the flight is not a miracle nor the Holy Spirit, but hundreds of scientific principles applied together to that object technology is a complex modern aircraft.
One of the wiring board is critical to the FADEC, this digital device in the engine that is used to control the injection of fuel into the engine. Just as happens with cars, aircraft engines are then injection, which means that even if the foot or the hand of the pilot presses the accelerator, as the planes of the '30s, who then injects the fuel is actually a sophisticated computer system that (even if a scenario is unlikely, but never impossible ) may exchange your call for the order to stop the flow of fuel to the engine. Well ... no, thanks: I prefer to live.
Review: "But some airlines are already experimenting with wireless connections for passengers!"
Fact: With just a few milliwatts, and many other frequencies, to achieve a connection access. I do not care if you start working on the computer, it gives me more trouble and bother me more mobile. We do not insist to compare different devices by putting them on equal footing. Let
still talk to Dr. Taylor: "If the information is digital FADEC corrupted by an electromagnetic field that could even lead - even though we are in an extreme case - the interruption of fuel to the engine. This even though such delicate cables are obviously protected by screens grounded and the signal is kind differential so much immune. "
Archimedes means: Typically, the cables carrying signals are covered (proceeding from the inside out) by an insulating material, a braid of thin wire and then again by insulating material.

Let's just say that sometimes the buzzing happens the same as you will have heard, so why should not something happen to crash the plane, and especially because we really andarcela to find? Again in the words of Dr. Taylor: "... but there must also be said that the cabling age, whether we realize it only when the fault happens because with these miles and miles of wiring on an aircraft is a comprehensive work Maintenance is something on the edge of the impossible. "
urban legend: "In reality, the mobile phone is banned in flight altitude and speed because it would confuse the telephone network by relying simultaneously to more than one base station, thus allowing free phone calls, and telephone companies are in cahoots with the airlines so as not to know of this wonderful opportunity. "
Fact: There were only these idiots to foment an irresponsible attitude. Assume also that a plane flying at 1000 km / hour. The speed of light, which travels to the electromagnetic waves (also because the light is made to order like) is about 300,000 km / sec., Ie more than one billion km / h: In your opinion, a signal which is a million times faster than the means by which party or which is intended, he was able to hear any difference? There. To give a sense of proportion, is like leaving an object in one place, make a round of ten kilometers an hour and find it moved to the back of a millimeter . So make no mistake: the call made in the air is charged just as if you did the ground.
Review: "For those who fly frequently on business, the time spent on board, a prisoner and cut off from the world, is an enormous waste . Many frequent flyer can not afford to be unavailable for six to eight hours. Can connect to the Internet for downloading and sending mail would solve many of the problems of boredom and availability that currently afflict the passengers. "
Archimedes, but we really respond to a guy like that? But bring a book or magazine is not it? Relax, think, sleep, or try it with the one next to the hostess? Advantage of not being found? Mah
I leave you with some last considerations:
military aircraft have the glass screen (and the only point where it could penetrate an unwanted signal, and see if the military has done so);
mobile phones are also prohibited on board oil tankers or ships carrying flammable gases, and you can guess why;
phones are banned in hospitals in the vicinity of electrical equipment and mobile units on board resuscitation: who knows why?
in my work cell phone use is prohibited during certain phases of construction of the satellite, in short, the phones have certainly critical frequencies for many industries: you do not see why it should not apply to an aircraft with human lives on board.
We therefore rely on the precautionary principle , that "we do not know if this is indispensable, but when in doubt, evitiamone use."
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Ebay Salon Reception Desk
Family reasons
Awaiting posting to difficult combination of scheduled and cellular , I was thinking this morning: the timing (for me now distant) of the school, to modulate the reasons for the absences in the "why" when you do not put "indisposition", he would invariably "family reasons".
Nowadays, with the same reason, governments can fall.
Awaiting posting to difficult combination of scheduled and cellular , I was thinking this morning: the timing (for me now distant) of the school, to modulate the reasons for the absences in the "why" when you do not put "indisposition", he would invariably "family reasons".
Nowadays, with the same reason, governments can fall.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Calories In Chicken Chow Mein Takeaway
times, I do not know what modern
Ah, a proposito di amene destinazioni cui spedire certe persone, volevo solo dire a Crucco Sedicesimo che se lui condanna questo blog, è anche vero che molti condannano lui: un certo Galileo Galilei Linceo ancora ringrazia per il trattamento ricevuto .

That two balls, to take turns. This week I have to in the morning (06:00 - 14:00).
Sure, it's not like working at Thyssen Krupp, for which we are best of a bad game and console ourselves that, even the work that so many have it, or have it expire as yoghurt, or if have it "fixed" often die over there. Basically m'è gone luxury, although I am classified - according to a logic of the past - in the category of metalworkers, not that it is shameful, indeed down the hat to those who break your back at the factory, the fact is that it seems somewhat inappropriate to call "blue collar" people such as software engineers, technicians, systems analysts and engineers, all of whom now typing at a computer keyboard (indeed, many were already doing so when the PC did not exist) rather than handle heavy wrenches. What can we say about those four pennies for a contract time expired, and for which we would like to generously offer Federmeccanica 120 €, that is even more than they have richiesto le organizzazioni sindacali (117), almeno stando ad alcuni TG in malafede. Che infatti si dimenticano di dire che gli stessi 120 euro sarebbero in realtà spalmati su 30 mesi, rendendoli di fatto pari a 96. Poi dice che uno li manda affanculo.
Ah, a proposito di amene destinazioni cui spedire certe persone, volevo solo dire a Crucco Sedicesimo che se lui condanna questo blog, è anche vero che molti condannano lui: un certo Galileo Galilei Linceo ancora ringrazia per il trattamento ricevuto .
Volevo anche aggiungere alla lista quelli che hanno trasformato un handicappato in an advantage, as well as those who insist on calling incinerators energy plants, and those that continue to inform me of the couple's private affairs Sarkozy - Bruni.
Finally, a link to a friend whose son wants to do great astronaut . It is in English, but then the first step is precisely the knowledge of this language, so ...
I know, I have filled with topics and links, but I have little time to write anything these days. I hope at least to be able to visit the other blog.
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