Si possono usare i telefonini a bordo degli aerei di linea?
Warning: this post is so crazy long (1852 words, count from Word): if you have to do, believe me, better go back to read more calmly.
After many technical problems, more or less serious, occurring here and there in the world while the plane had already landed and still had to take off, and which was suspected interference from mobile phones, at the end there was a incident that could have been much more serious (I'll link new , have you ever seen someone if it was lost).
Leaving aside social considerations, given the rudeness of the people in restaurants, trains, lighting fixtures. (And for that alone I would be in favor of the prohibition: there can only please me being saved from ringtones idiotic conversations or even worse), the matter is potentially far more serious, as we have seen.
I did some laps on the Net just to test the opinions and, as with any argument, there is more of a "school of thought." The talk, however, are zero: a cell phone is in effect a radio transmitter, operating as appropriate at very specific frequency ranges .
I also came across by chance in a radio broadcast of Radiotre Science, where he was interviewed la D.ssa Maria Sabrina Sarto, docente di Elettrotecnica per l’Ingegneria Aerospaziale alla Sapienza di Roma. Mica pizza e fichi.
Mettiamo allora a confronto le chiacchiere e le leggende metropolitane rispetto a quanto dice la scienza, tenendo anche conto che in un sondaggio effettuato da alcune compagnie di volo in merito all’introduzione di tecnologie atte a poter permettere di telefonare con il cellulare sull’aereo, ben il 90% degli intervistati ha risposto che non vuole cellulari a bordo .
Opinione: “Tutte le compagnie sono concordi nel vietare l'uso del cellulare in volo, pur adottando regole differenti: alcune ordinano di spegnere i cellulari appena si varca la soglia del airplane, others tolerate them until you stop on the runway, while others require off when you switch on the engine, and so on, citing security reasons: the radiation, it is argued, would interfere with on-board instruments. "
Done "A mobile phone acts as a source of intentional electromagnetic field, and radiates the RF field in the frequencies typical of cell phones."
Archimedes: analyze and explain the words of Taylor: First, tell us that the source is intentional. Meaning? Consider the various devices (PED: Portable Electronic Devices, portable electronic devices), such as Playstation or a laptop computer to another, various kinds of electronic chip will issue too, for various technical reasons, small electromagnetic fields. However, those fields are much weaker than those of a phone (as well as operating at very different frequencies, and this has also ). Instead, the phone doing it on purpose, so to speak, to issue a field more intense heck is designed to do, to let you receive calls and transmit especially yours! Here we are talking about intentional source. Note, in the opinion stated, the use of the words "claiming " "It is argued " and doubted " interfere." But we continue with the facts, always with the words of Dr. Taylor:
"... field, which may cause interference on-board equipment through mating with the wiring aircraft and avionics devices.
translate yet. The key word is induce : even the good old Hertz , playing with wires and electricity, he discovered the phenomenon of ' electromagnetic induction. Attaching and detaching a battery to a large circular loop of wire, could result in the striking of a spark between the coil end of another identical post a few meters away, and completely unrelated to anything: he had discovered what Maxwell time before he theorized, that the electromagnetic waves, or the transmission of electrical signals without wires, through space (in honor of the unit of frequency, symbol Hz , now bears his name). Later also Marconi will enjoy stretch wires between the hills of Bologna, and invents the first wireless telegraph, then radio. The
experiments of Hertz, the telegraph, radio Marconi's exploits the electromagnetic coupling between the field and wire. With this physical phenomenon, those who live in Cesano (RM) can easily listen to the word of God directly into the intercom to say, thanks to the powerful Vatican radio emissions as well as having the privilege of living in a municipality with an incidence of leukemia triple than the average, more to say. Then he says that the Pope condemns this blog. But we digress ... So
phones interfere, not "interfere ": Have you ever left a cell phone near a radio or a stereo, warning that traditional t-tr-ttr-tt-r? Or, if it is a monitor, all those lines of disorder? There.
Review: "Lufthansa on average on each of its flights there is at least one passenger who forgets the phone on, but its planes do not fall."
Done: See the link mentioned above, even if a plane crashed Lufthansa. Or are we necessarily have to escape the dead, to take precautions?
Review: Some riders I know personally I have confessed to having forgotten the phone on the flight deck, a few inches from quell'intrico chips and avionics that allows the miracle of flight, and survived.
Done: But good! I can still see the link above and subsequent developments, it seems that someone was in the cabin to leave the phone turned on. Furthermore, "the tangle chips and avionics " is quite likely, as we have seen and deepen soon, and that the flight is not a miracle nor the Holy Spirit, but hundreds of scientific principles applied together to that object technology is a complex modern aircraft.
One of the wiring board is critical to the FADEC, this digital device in the engine that is used to control the injection of fuel into the engine. Just as happens with cars, aircraft engines are then injection, which means that even if the foot or the hand of the pilot presses the accelerator, as the planes of the '30s, who then injects the fuel is actually a sophisticated computer system that (even if a scenario is unlikely, but never impossible ) may exchange your call for the order to stop the flow of fuel to the engine. Well ... no, thanks: I prefer to live.
Review: "But some airlines are already experimenting with wireless connections for passengers!"
Fact: With just a few milliwatts, and many other frequencies, to achieve a connection access. I do not care if you start working on the computer, it gives me more trouble and bother me more mobile. We do not insist to compare different devices by putting them on equal footing. Let
still talk to Dr. Taylor: "If the information is digital FADEC corrupted by an electromagnetic field that could even lead - even though we are in an extreme case - the interruption of fuel to the engine. This even though such delicate cables are obviously protected by screens grounded and the signal is kind differential so much immune. "
Archimedes means: Typically, the cables carrying signals are covered (proceeding from the inside out) by an insulating material, a braid of thin wire and then again by insulating material.
braid (braided or ) wire is the screen, according to a principle discovered by Faraday : an electromagnetic signal can not "pass" within a metal cage if its wavelength is greater than the size of a single mesh. In practice, you have to think of a fly: If the links are 1 cm wide, not just pass mosquitoes but also flies, moths and hornets and maybe will be retained. A denser mesh mosquito net will not move even an insect. The same goes for the electrical signals: a shield of some kind could stop one type of signal but no other higher frequency (ie with a wavelength smaller). The signal type differential, then, is another trick well known to musicians who have spread meters of cables on stage without producing the annoying hum in speakers, but the treatment technique would be a bit 'long, that "sopravvoliamo.
Let's just say that sometimes the buzzing happens the same as you will have heard, so why should not something happen to crash the plane, and especially because we really andarcela to find? Again in the words of Dr. Taylor: "... but there must also be said that the cabling age, whether we realize it only when the fault happens because with these miles and miles of wiring on an aircraft is a comprehensive work Maintenance is something on the edge of the impossible. "
urban legend: "In reality, the mobile phone is banned in flight altitude and speed because it would confuse the telephone network by relying simultaneously to more than one base station, thus allowing free phone calls, and telephone companies are in cahoots with the airlines so as not to know of this wonderful opportunity. "
Fact: There were only these idiots to foment an irresponsible attitude. Assume also that a plane flying at 1000 km / hour. The speed of light, which travels to the electromagnetic waves (also because the light is made to order like) is about 300,000 km / sec., Ie more than one billion km / h: In your opinion, a signal which is a million times faster than the means by which party or which is intended, he was able to hear any difference? There. To give a sense of proportion, is like leaving an object in one place, make a round of ten kilometers an hour and find it moved to the back of a millimeter . So make no mistake: the call made in the air is charged just as if you did the ground.
Review: "For those who fly frequently on business, the time spent on board, a prisoner and cut off from the world, is an enormous waste . Many frequent flyer can not afford to be unavailable for six to eight hours. Can connect to the Internet for downloading and sending mail would solve many of the problems of boredom and availability that currently afflict the passengers. "
Archimedes, but we really respond to a guy like that? But bring a book or magazine is not it? Relax, think, sleep, or try it with the one next to the hostess? Advantage of not being found? Mah
I leave you with some last considerations:
military aircraft have the glass screen (and the only point where it could penetrate an unwanted signal, and see if the military has done so);
mobile phones are also prohibited on board oil tankers or ships carrying flammable gases, and you can guess why;
phones are banned in hospitals in the vicinity of electrical equipment and mobile units on board resuscitation: who knows why?
in my work cell phone use is prohibited during certain phases of construction of the satellite, in short, the phones have certainly critical frequencies for many industries: you do not see why it should not apply to an aircraft with human lives on board.
We therefore rely on the precautionary principle , that "we do not know if this is indispensable, but when in doubt, evitiamone use."
Warning: this post is so crazy long (1852 words, count from Word): if you have to do, believe me, better go back to read more calmly.
After many technical problems, more or less serious, occurring here and there in the world while the plane had already landed and still had to take off, and which was suspected interference from mobile phones, at the end there was a incident that could have been much more serious (I'll link new , have you ever seen someone if it was lost).
Leaving aside social considerations, given the rudeness of the people in restaurants, trains, lighting fixtures. (And for that alone I would be in favor of the prohibition: there can only please me being saved from ringtones idiotic conversations or even worse), the matter is potentially far more serious, as we have seen.
I did some laps on the Net just to test the opinions and, as with any argument, there is more of a "school of thought." The talk, however, are zero: a cell phone is in effect a radio transmitter, operating as appropriate at very specific frequency ranges .
I also came across by chance in a radio broadcast of Radiotre Science, where he was interviewed la D.ssa Maria Sabrina Sarto, docente di Elettrotecnica per l’Ingegneria Aerospaziale alla Sapienza di Roma. Mica pizza e fichi.
Mettiamo allora a confronto le chiacchiere e le leggende metropolitane rispetto a quanto dice la scienza, tenendo anche conto che in un sondaggio effettuato da alcune compagnie di volo in merito all’introduzione di tecnologie atte a poter permettere di telefonare con il cellulare sull’aereo, ben il 90% degli intervistati ha risposto che non vuole cellulari a bordo .
Opinione: “Tutte le compagnie sono concordi nel vietare l'uso del cellulare in volo, pur adottando regole differenti: alcune ordinano di spegnere i cellulari appena si varca la soglia del airplane, others tolerate them until you stop on the runway, while others require off when you switch on the engine, and so on, citing security reasons: the radiation, it is argued, would interfere with on-board instruments. "
Done "A mobile phone acts as a source of intentional electromagnetic field, and radiates the RF field in the frequencies typical of cell phones."
Archimedes: analyze and explain the words of Taylor: First, tell us that the source is intentional. Meaning? Consider the various devices (PED: Portable Electronic Devices, portable electronic devices), such as Playstation or a laptop computer to another, various kinds of electronic chip will issue too, for various technical reasons, small electromagnetic fields. However, those fields are much weaker than those of a phone (as well as operating at very different frequencies, and this has also ). Instead, the phone doing it on purpose, so to speak, to issue a field more intense heck is designed to do, to let you receive calls and transmit especially yours! Here we are talking about intentional source. Note, in the opinion stated, the use of the words "claiming " "It is argued " and doubted " interfere." But we continue with the facts, always with the words of Dr. Taylor:
"... field, which may cause interference on-board equipment through mating with the wiring aircraft and avionics devices.
translate yet. The key word is induce : even the good old Hertz , playing with wires and electricity, he discovered the phenomenon of ' electromagnetic induction. Attaching and detaching a battery to a large circular loop of wire, could result in the striking of a spark between the coil end of another identical post a few meters away, and completely unrelated to anything: he had discovered what Maxwell time before he theorized, that the electromagnetic waves, or the transmission of electrical signals without wires, through space (in honor of the unit of frequency, symbol Hz , now bears his name). Later also Marconi will enjoy stretch wires between the hills of Bologna, and invents the first wireless telegraph, then radio. The
experiments of Hertz, the telegraph, radio Marconi's exploits the electromagnetic coupling between the field and wire. With this physical phenomenon, those who live in Cesano (RM) can easily listen to the word of God directly into the intercom to say, thanks to the powerful Vatican radio emissions as well as having the privilege of living in a municipality with an incidence of leukemia triple than the average, more to say. Then he says that the Pope condemns this blog. But we digress ... So
phones interfere, not "interfere ": Have you ever left a cell phone near a radio or a stereo, warning that traditional t-tr-ttr-tt-r? Or, if it is a monitor, all those lines of disorder? There.
Review: "Lufthansa on average on each of its flights there is at least one passenger who forgets the phone on, but its planes do not fall."
Done: See the link mentioned above, even if a plane crashed Lufthansa. Or are we necessarily have to escape the dead, to take precautions?
Review: Some riders I know personally I have confessed to having forgotten the phone on the flight deck, a few inches from quell'intrico chips and avionics that allows the miracle of flight, and survived.
Done: But good! I can still see the link above and subsequent developments, it seems that someone was in the cabin to leave the phone turned on. Furthermore, "the tangle chips and avionics " is quite likely, as we have seen and deepen soon, and that the flight is not a miracle nor the Holy Spirit, but hundreds of scientific principles applied together to that object technology is a complex modern aircraft.
One of the wiring board is critical to the FADEC, this digital device in the engine that is used to control the injection of fuel into the engine. Just as happens with cars, aircraft engines are then injection, which means that even if the foot or the hand of the pilot presses the accelerator, as the planes of the '30s, who then injects the fuel is actually a sophisticated computer system that (even if a scenario is unlikely, but never impossible ) may exchange your call for the order to stop the flow of fuel to the engine. Well ... no, thanks: I prefer to live.
Review: "But some airlines are already experimenting with wireless connections for passengers!"
Fact: With just a few milliwatts, and many other frequencies, to achieve a connection access. I do not care if you start working on the computer, it gives me more trouble and bother me more mobile. We do not insist to compare different devices by putting them on equal footing. Let
still talk to Dr. Taylor: "If the information is digital FADEC corrupted by an electromagnetic field that could even lead - even though we are in an extreme case - the interruption of fuel to the engine. This even though such delicate cables are obviously protected by screens grounded and the signal is kind differential so much immune. "
Archimedes means: Typically, the cables carrying signals are covered (proceeding from the inside out) by an insulating material, a braid of thin wire and then again by insulating material.

Let's just say that sometimes the buzzing happens the same as you will have heard, so why should not something happen to crash the plane, and especially because we really andarcela to find? Again in the words of Dr. Taylor: "... but there must also be said that the cabling age, whether we realize it only when the fault happens because with these miles and miles of wiring on an aircraft is a comprehensive work Maintenance is something on the edge of the impossible. "
urban legend: "In reality, the mobile phone is banned in flight altitude and speed because it would confuse the telephone network by relying simultaneously to more than one base station, thus allowing free phone calls, and telephone companies are in cahoots with the airlines so as not to know of this wonderful opportunity. "
Fact: There were only these idiots to foment an irresponsible attitude. Assume also that a plane flying at 1000 km / hour. The speed of light, which travels to the electromagnetic waves (also because the light is made to order like) is about 300,000 km / sec., Ie more than one billion km / h: In your opinion, a signal which is a million times faster than the means by which party or which is intended, he was able to hear any difference? There. To give a sense of proportion, is like leaving an object in one place, make a round of ten kilometers an hour and find it moved to the back of a millimeter . So make no mistake: the call made in the air is charged just as if you did the ground.
Review: "For those who fly frequently on business, the time spent on board, a prisoner and cut off from the world, is an enormous waste . Many frequent flyer can not afford to be unavailable for six to eight hours. Can connect to the Internet for downloading and sending mail would solve many of the problems of boredom and availability that currently afflict the passengers. "
Archimedes, but we really respond to a guy like that? But bring a book or magazine is not it? Relax, think, sleep, or try it with the one next to the hostess? Advantage of not being found? Mah
I leave you with some last considerations:
military aircraft have the glass screen (and the only point where it could penetrate an unwanted signal, and see if the military has done so);
mobile phones are also prohibited on board oil tankers or ships carrying flammable gases, and you can guess why;
phones are banned in hospitals in the vicinity of electrical equipment and mobile units on board resuscitation: who knows why?
in my work cell phone use is prohibited during certain phases of construction of the satellite, in short, the phones have certainly critical frequencies for many industries: you do not see why it should not apply to an aircraft with human lives on board.
We therefore rely on the precautionary principle , that "we do not know if this is indispensable, but when in doubt, evitiamone use."
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