That two balls, to take turns. This week I have to in the morning (06:00 - 14:00).
Sure, it's not like working at Thyssen Krupp, for which we are best of a bad game and console ourselves that, even the work that so many have it, or have it expire as yoghurt, or if have it "fixed" often die over there. Basically m'è gone luxury, although I am classified - according to a logic of the past - in the category of metalworkers, not that it is shameful, indeed down the hat to those who break your back at the factory, the fact is that it seems somewhat inappropriate to call "blue collar" people such as software engineers, technicians, systems analysts and engineers, all of whom now typing at a computer keyboard (indeed, many were already doing so when the PC did not exist) rather than handle heavy wrenches. What can we say about those four pennies for a contract time expired, and for which we would like to generously offer Federmeccanica 120 €, that is even more than they have richiesto le organizzazioni sindacali (117), almeno stando ad alcuni TG in malafede. Che infatti si dimenticano di dire che gli stessi 120 euro sarebbero in realtà spalmati su 30 mesi, rendendoli di fatto pari a 96. Poi dice che uno li manda affanculo.
Ah, a proposito di amene destinazioni cui spedire certe persone, volevo solo dire a Crucco Sedicesimo che se lui condanna questo blog, è anche vero che molti condannano lui: un certo Galileo Galilei Linceo ancora ringrazia per il trattamento ricevuto .
Volevo anche aggiungere alla lista quelli che hanno trasformato un handicappato in an advantage, as well as those who insist on calling incinerators energy plants, and those that continue to inform me of the couple's private affairs Sarkozy - Bruni.
Finally, a link to a friend whose son wants to do great astronaut . It is in English, but then the first step is precisely the knowledge of this language, so ...
I know, I have filled with topics and links, but I have little time to write anything these days. I hope at least to be able to visit the other blog.
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