We were left with the question about what were the legal limits of radio frequency emissions, and how to verify that they are respected.
As mentioned in previous posts, in Italy the law No. 381 del 3/11/1998 (entrata in vigore il 2/1/1999) stabilisce all’art. 4 comma 2 il limite massimo che non si dovrebbe mai superare per un’ esposizione prolungata (viene specificato un tempo uguale o maggiore a quattro ore): esso è di 6 Volt/metro (sei Volt per metro).
Indipendentemente quindi dalla frequenza emessa, si considera l’intensità di campo elettrico associato a tali emissioni. Anche se l’autorità competente in materia (l’ARPA, Agenzia Regionale Protezione Ambientale) afferma che il cittadino è tutelato da questa legge, avete mai visto qualcuno che controlli periodicamente queste emissioni? Io no. Non ci si deve perciò stupire se, dopo una prima rigorosa verifica da parte degli enti preposti, la potenza possa venire alterata abusivamente dai gestori per aumentare l’area di copertura, dato che ovviamente ciò costa molto meno che installare un nuovo traliccio (evitando quindi proteste e problemi vari con la gente, che non vuole il ripetitore però si lamenta se non c’è campo ).
Al riguardo poi di questi fatidici 6 V/m c’è in giro un’ignoranza raccapricciante, specialmente su internet può risultare complicato discernere un sito con informazioni corrette da uno contenente bestialità: mi è capitato dunque di leggere 6 Watts per meter (thus confusing the Volt with Watt). Apart from the fact that if anything we should talk about watts per square meter , without the necessary equivalences this value is in fact tantamount to 47.5 Volt / m , that is a limit to eight times higher than allowed by law. The Volt is one thing, another Watt. Otherwise there would be no need for two different units. Yet no one would dream of confusing the chili with the meters. Perhaps the only one who could succeed with its dialectical nature but also conciliatory, to bring together the two different sizes, can only be him Watt er Volt neurons. (Okay, 'a little' healthy faffing of pre-election there is, come on).
Elsewhere it is stated that this measure should be taken one meter from the antenna , ignoring that the electromagnetic field decreases with the square of the distance (if a meter measuring a tot, two meters will have tot / 4 , three meters will have tot / 9, still a meter and read tot/16, and so on). We need instead to know the ASR field in our living room, or worse in the bedroom where we sleep for eight hours (seh, maybe!), In other contexts is even said that you need to get a metal plate one square meter and connect it to a voltmeter to be read. Everything will get confused if you're not in the field, but I assure you that if we ask the Wizard of lights Arcella maybe we would not bullshit.
In some forum I have also taken undue alarm, but as in any hospital is laid out a good sign that prohibits to turn the phone on, to avoid interference with the sophisticated medical equipment (LOL, see post on phones in an aircraft) then maybe it comes out and - surprise! - You notice any of these repeaters virtually front of the hospital, 24-hour course on 24 and radiating power of some more of our small cell. Not to mention the repeaters placed close to child .
The law, however, is just more cautious about these and other special sites: the minimum distance plants it increased up to 50 meters , and as said before is easy to calculate that the emitted field will be worth 2500 times less than not to a meter away from the antenna.
And for those of our building repeaters that we have indignantly refused condominium at the meeting, only to vederceli placed on the roof of the building in front ? The owners of the building have accepted rimborso fornito loro dalla compagnia telefonica, tanto a loro che je frega... Anche se può sembrare strano ai più, chi starà peggio sarete voi e tutto il circondario, meno che… essi stessi!
As mentioned in previous posts, in Italy the law No. 381 del 3/11/1998 (entrata in vigore il 2/1/1999) stabilisce all’art. 4 comma 2 il limite massimo che non si dovrebbe mai superare per un’ esposizione prolungata (viene specificato un tempo uguale o maggiore a quattro ore): esso è di 6 Volt/metro (sei Volt per metro).
Indipendentemente quindi dalla frequenza emessa, si considera l’intensità di campo elettrico associato a tali emissioni. Anche se l’autorità competente in materia (l’ARPA, Agenzia Regionale Protezione Ambientale) afferma che il cittadino è tutelato da questa legge, avete mai visto qualcuno che controlli periodicamente queste emissioni? Io no. Non ci si deve perciò stupire se, dopo una prima rigorosa verifica da parte degli enti preposti, la potenza possa venire alterata abusivamente dai gestori per aumentare l’area di copertura, dato che ovviamente ciò costa molto meno che installare un nuovo traliccio (evitando quindi proteste e problemi vari con la gente, che non vuole il ripetitore però si lamenta se non c’è campo ).
Al riguardo poi di questi fatidici 6 V/m c’è in giro un’ignoranza raccapricciante, specialmente su internet può risultare complicato discernere un sito con informazioni corrette da uno contenente bestialità: mi è capitato dunque di leggere 6 Watts per meter (thus confusing the Volt with Watt). Apart from the fact that if anything we should talk about watts per square meter , without the necessary equivalences this value is in fact tantamount to 47.5 Volt / m , that is a limit to eight times higher than allowed by law. The Volt is one thing, another Watt. Otherwise there would be no need for two different units. Yet no one would dream of confusing the chili with the meters. Perhaps the only one who could succeed with its dialectical nature but also conciliatory, to bring together the two different sizes, can only be him Watt er Volt neurons. (Okay, 'a little' healthy faffing of pre-election there is, come on).
Elsewhere it is stated that this measure should be taken one meter from the antenna , ignoring that the electromagnetic field decreases with the square of the distance (if a meter measuring a tot, two meters will have tot / 4 , three meters will have tot / 9, still a meter and read tot/16, and so on). We need instead to know the ASR field in our living room, or worse in the bedroom where we sleep for eight hours (seh, maybe!), In other contexts is even said that you need to get a metal plate one square meter and connect it to a voltmeter to be read. Everything will get confused if you're not in the field, but I assure you that if we ask the Wizard of lights Arcella maybe we would not bullshit.
In some forum I have also taken undue alarm, but as in any hospital is laid out a good sign that prohibits to turn the phone on, to avoid interference with the sophisticated medical equipment (LOL, see post on phones in an aircraft) then maybe it comes out and - surprise! - You notice any of these repeaters virtually front of the hospital, 24-hour course on 24 and radiating power of some more of our small cell. Not to mention the repeaters placed close to child .
The law, however, is just more cautious about these and other special sites: the minimum distance plants it increased up to 50 meters , and as said before is easy to calculate that the emitted field will be worth 2500 times less than not to a meter away from the antenna.
And for those of our building repeaters that we have indignantly refused condominium at the meeting, only to vederceli placed on the roof of the building in front ? The owners of the building have accepted rimborso fornito loro dalla compagnia telefonica, tanto a loro che je frega... Anche se può sembrare strano ai più, chi starà peggio sarete voi e tutto il circondario, meno che… essi stessi!

Infatti come si vede in figura, il lobo di radiazione (tra due righe lo spiego) di queste antenne non è omnidirezionale, cioè non irradia ugualmente in tutte le direzioni: non servirebbe a niente disperdere potenza verso l’alto. Un po’ come quelle insulse lampade da giardino fatte a palla, la cui luce parte inutilmente anche in direzione di lontane galassie. Invece queste antenne sono fatte in modo da focalizzare l’emissione in una direzione preference (wide horizontal and narrow vertically, like a sort of fig leaf of india) who is receiving very little in the signal. Think of the light beam of the headlights in the dark, designed to cover an area located a few meters in front of the car and pointed slightly down, if you were to serve this light to see a coin just below the bumper, there will do little good, right? The same with the repeaters, that "light up" the whole area around which are placed (but who covers the area below where they are placed? Another repeater not far from there, but that's another story. afraid eh?).
But Archimedes, you say, went through another episode without telling us what we can do to see if the trellis in front of our house (or school of my children, or in front of the office where I spend eight hours or more) to provide or not within the legal limits.
You are right, but today I overflowed: the following post it sooner than you might think.
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