So how do we know that the trellis in front of home, school, office transmits within the limits? Unfortunately we can only do so much, why bother before the ARPA should have reasonable assurance that these limits are exceeded, and who can give us that certainty unless a sophisticated (and expensive) measuring equipment? Moreover it seems that the ARPA mobile operators a warning before about the day when those checks will be carried out, negating the element of surprise. A little 'as if the Financial Police warned that people would first check the books.
For this reason, at the request of a blogger friend of long standing which had placed a repeater on the roof of the building in front, long ago I built an economical but sufficiently accurate that could carry out such measures. Nothing brilliant, not invention, is clear: a simple kit to buy and fit within a couple of nights free.
course, exist to much more expensive, but not necessarily that are more sophisticated: scrolling specifications declared by the manufacturers, it discovers that it can lead to a tolerance (the error in percent measurement made) up to 10%, and sincerely from one instrument to several hundred euro expect a bit 'more. Probably parte del prezzo è giustificato da tutta una serie di funzioni accessorie quali la possibilità di registrare la media delle letture lungo più ore di funzionamento, la possibilità di interfacciamento al computer e altre frocerie del genere. In fondo a me serviva uno strumento semplice, che facesse una sola cosa, possibilmente bene.
È lo strumento che vedete nelle foto, con il quale mi sono divertito in questi giorni a misurare il campo emesso ad alcune decine di metri di distanza dai ripetitori della mia zona.
For this reason, at the request of a blogger friend of long standing which had placed a repeater on the roof of the building in front, long ago I built an economical but sufficiently accurate that could carry out such measures. Nothing brilliant, not invention, is clear: a simple kit to buy and fit within a couple of nights free.
course, exist to much more expensive, but not necessarily that are more sophisticated: scrolling specifications declared by the manufacturers, it discovers that it can lead to a tolerance (the error in percent measurement made) up to 10%, and sincerely from one instrument to several hundred euro expect a bit 'more. Probably parte del prezzo è giustificato da tutta una serie di funzioni accessorie quali la possibilità di registrare la media delle letture lungo più ore di funzionamento, la possibilità di interfacciamento al computer e altre frocerie del genere. In fondo a me serviva uno strumento semplice, che facesse una sola cosa, possibilmente bene.
È lo strumento che vedete nelle foto, con il quale mi sono divertito in questi giorni a misurare il campo emesso ad alcune decine di metri di distanza dai ripetitori della mia zona.

Per la cronaca, sul terrazzo dell’attico del mio amico rilevammo valori piuttosto oltre il limit, even if there is to say that the duration of these "peaks" was always few minutes. It would have been appropriate to make an average at least four hours long, but I had all this time to lose, I did not much stand there and put up with those emissions. So I left the instrument on loan to his friend, who took over for a few days always elevated. When they arrived and warned the ARPA (later time) with their instruments, strangely that day was all right. Hence the suspicion
... There must also be said that the law excludes relief from balconies and terraces, so the bottom was only to blame in der place.

As you can see from the photos I post, as it happens two measurements that I made I have found a higher level of emissions, even if just to tell the truth (6.6 V / m below the former water tower water, and 6.9 V / m close to my hardware vendor of choice for my achievements). Also to be honest, we must recognize that two samples are a little 'just statistically speaking, the equipment may also enter other noise sources such as television signals.
while taking these measures, taking the instrument the left hand and the camera with his right hand to document the results, those who passed were the faces and comments that ranged from the fun (anvedi 'I'm crazy, but that that which has the odd mobile phone) to the worried (but who is, but he is prepared to 'an attack?).
However, in principle, I think we can rest easy. The towers have risen in recent years, and although this may seem paradosale not a bad thing because it creates more cells that transmit base (hence the name of the phone), so you need a less power to cover the territory. I would worry more about the mobile phone ear, so to speak. Be brief (among other things should cost) and use the headset as possible. I conclude with a little 'based on the anecdotal experiences, just to understand what you may have in extreme cases.
1) while serving with the Navy (oh yes), one day we did the transmission tests on board a cruiser with a highly directive antenna (the speech of the radiation lobe, but this time we could say similar to the beam light of a torch) I saw with my own eyes a gull run too close bold pull-up to this antenna, and then immediately drop stone dead on the flight deck, literally cooked.
2) Also in the Navy, a day that happened to all those who had stationed a little 'more than usual in the fax room, his eyes burned unbearably, with strong eyes.
Outside the window of this room, very close, rose from the garden below a large antenna for telecommunications, like a flagpole for the flag. It turned out that that day the power was inadvertently trasmisione increased, and that the burning of the eyes was due to the generation of micro-electric currents induced in the tear film, which has a certain natural conductivity.
3) The company where I worked previously built radar, than to have an idea that we see running at airports to prevent the irradiation of the surrounding houses and the same employees, usually these radars is inhibited by software a particular sector (think of a slice of cake), where is the slice (the people), the radar during his tour automatically turns off while in the rest of the cake (the open countryside, sea, uninhabited areas, etc..) radar emits radio waves. Well, one day was accidentally reversed this mechanism, and what we noticed any "brushed" the radar for us, it was the "flicker" of PC monitors and above the spontaneous ignition (per il tempo della spazzolata) delle luci al neon sul soffitto, senza che nessuno toccasse l’interruttore. Dopo furibonde telefonate ed un improvviso sciopero spontaneo, finalmente si decisero a notare l’errore.
Al di là di questi casi limite , in genere la radiofrequenza in cui siamo nostro malgrado immersi non è così pericolosa (mi riservo qualche dubbio su Radio Vaticana e Radio Maria, ma d’altronde c’è da capirli: la lieta novella va diffusa a qualunque costo ).
Inoltre, anche se andassimo a vivere su una remota isola del pacifico, non sfuggiremmo alle “fotografie” radar con cui i satelliti artificiali bersagliano continuamente la Earth, so let's not worry too much about the towers for mobile phones.
This series of posts has addressed the issue to electrosmog high frequency, but we anticipated that, weather permitting, I'll be facing the same issue on the front of the bass (towers for power lines, electrical systems, transformers on standby, appliances, alarm clocks, etc...)
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