Monday, December 3, 2007
Panniculectomy And Ohip
Sondaggendum, cioè sondaggio-referendum. Abrogativo, come al solito in Italia.
Non si possono tenere in piedi due blog: perlomeno, due blog gemelli nei contenuti, se non nella forma. Oltre ad essere un inutile spreco di spazio web, porta via il doppio del tempo e costringe ad interfacciarsi con due diverse platee di pubblico, e scusatemi se vi chiamo pubblico .
L'altro blog l'ho messo su con lo stesso titolo sulla piattaforma Splinder, per venire incontro agli amici di là, e questo qui avrebbe dovuto essere destinato alla chiusura, come avevo accennato qualche post addietro (tra l'altro se avessi voluto far perdere le mie tracce a qualcuno, come mi si è velatamente accusato, mi sarei guardato bene dal dargli lo stesso identico titolo, e conservare più o meno lo stesso nickname: diavolo, bisogna essere tonti per ignorare le capacità di Google!).
Il punto ora è che non me la sento di staccare la spina a questo blog negletto, questa che è stata la mia prima "casa" sul web. Rimangono dei post che molti, con mia sorpresa, hanno trovato interessanti se non addirittura utili. Qualcuno tuttora capita qui e vi lascia ancora commenti: che fare? Ecco, lancio un sondaggio a chi eventualmente naufragasse da queste parti: cancello questo blog o lo lascio in piedi, magari diversificandolo dall'altro? A voi l'ardua sentenza.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Club Nintendo Star Maker
sc-sc-science today. Or how to remove always those twenty-five readers of this blog by Manzoni. Who wants to skip and can wait for hours of recreation: I can tell you is very long.
So do not wonder then ;-)))
Everything comes from the answer to the question: What is it and how the so-called gravity assist ? Well just yesterday
Rosetta had a second close encounter with Earth. I'm not talking nor my friend crashed to the ground or the crunchy roll (which, absurdly called Milan michetta ) unfortunately fell in the mud along with the salami: it is instead the probe launched in 2004 by ESA (European Space Agency) and to which Italy contributed to the establishment of special digital transponder on board. And before you ask, if it works and is flying is because not there I was.
The Rosetta mission is named after the stele that reveals the secrets of Egyptian hieroglyphics, because with this probe, we hope to uncover the secrets of comets, the oldest celestial bodies of the System Sunny.
operators have precisely maneuvered the probe to ensure that the Earth's gravitational attraction would provide a maximum thrust washer can, then you need to save fuel and arrive at your destination (ie the comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko in November 2014 four astronomical units away from the Sun Cheppalle, I get: 600 million km, so that is good?).
The moment of closest approach to Earth occurred November 13, 2007 at 21:57 CET as Rosetta in spite all'autovelox hurtled at a speed of 45,000 km / h (about 12.5 km / s) compared to Earth, flying over the Pacific Ocean, south-west of Chile, for un'altitudine di 5301 km. Sticazzi.
Comunque c’è una bellissima animazione qui .
L'incremento di energia acquisita aiuterà Rosetta ad attraversare una seconda volta la fascia di asteroidi, osservare Lutetia (il suo secondo obiettivo tra gli asteroidi) e infine effettuare l'incontro con la cometa.
Ma veniamo alla spiegazione: avete presente la fionda di Davide, che non era fatta da forcella ed elastici ma era piuttosto quella che nel medioevo veniva chiamata frombola ? Ecco, supponiamo di farla ruotare sopra la nostra testa e quindi di scagliare la pietra: essa partirà alla velocità cui stava ruotando (quando si dice partire per la tangen- ziale , Even at rush hour).
If I repeat the experiment by a speeding car (convertible, eh), the stone will have more speed than before that of the machine. The difficulty for us is the same, the increased speed at the cost of gasoline is wasted to make such a silly.
The thing is obvious to everyone, but who knows how it took the insight of the Italian scientist Giuseppe Colombo (every 500 years there is a Colombo with an intuition that changes history, and each point There is an intuition that Columbus used to stop the culprit) to understand that the same principle could apply the spacecraft, with significant fuel savings (aside: perhaps the Italian research funds cut them on purpose so much to us just three and a little snots' of string and go to Mars). And we can not bring on board all the fuel we want, because for every pound of weight should be sent into orbit to do half the oil tanker off the ground. What then, because what happens to oil lately, perhaps would agree as well.
Therefore, a probe that comes close to a planet will deviate from its trajectory due to the severity of it and moves away along a direction different from that of arrival:
If the planet was still, as long as the probe approaches would accelerate, then slow down and finally it should be at a rate equal to that approach. Just like when we overcome a bike off, then slow down and speed up down the next hill, and then left with the same speed at which we had arrived. But now, yet it moves, as he said another Italian genius, and in appropriate conditions the probe can be run at a speed greater than that with which they approached. Speed \u200b\u200bthat comes from the "push" provided by the planet, and is without consuming fuel. So the planet "grab" the probe, providing raises energy: By analogy with the example of stone, this mechanism is called a gravity assist.
But if nothing is created nor destroyed, although there is no meal aggratis , which has consequences for what? Answer: The planet slows its motion. At least in theory: do not think we will end up sooner or later cause the arrest: a case of ' huge difference between the mass of the probe and that of the planet, so it slows down in a negligible we can safely say that it continues to move as if nothing had happened (although the idea of \u200b\u200bsfruculiare even just the motion of planets and comets in the ass to those of astrologers and charlatans with their outlandish theories about the influence of celestial bodies, I am not a little amusement). A bit 'like trying to stop a truck to 130 km / h with an ascent of 40 km / h on the bumper: the ball bounces back to 170 km / h. Of course, to your face.
And yet to get the shooting.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Shaving Pubic Hair Before Internal
Should I create a new post, but as they say in L'Aquila, I nun te ' (I do not take [us]). Then I do a post che parla del blog: ma un blog che parla del blog cos'è, un meta-blog? OK ho capito, sto divagando. Ma andiamo con ordine (quello che segue è un melange di commenti e di messaggi ricevuti in privato, in cui molti si riconosceranno):
Fase 1 : Mi registro su Splinder ed inizio a commentare i blog altrui
"Perché non apri anche tu un blog?" (non mi pare il caso)
"Scrivi bene: dovresti metter su un blog" (poi non vi lamentate però)
Fase 2 : Creo un blog, dopo molti scervellamenti su significato, titolo, chisiamo e dadoveveniamo
"Perché l'hai aperto su Blogspot?" (ma porc...)
"In your blog I can not comment!" (Here I'm really sorry)
"I can not even log in!" (Apper)
"Did you already have an account Splinder, it was easy, I do not understand"
Step 3: Coming the anonymous, even if someone actually does so to be recognized
"Why allow anonymous comments on?"
"I warned you this would happen!" (It is true, had done)
Step 4: Allow comments only to those registered
"If I register to comment hope you're cool!"
"Finally, it was the only thing to do!"
"So I just read, without comment" (scrounger ,-D)
Step 5: readmit anyone comment.
come full lyrics. He thought for a bit 'and then delete them.
Step 6: Protests one hand clapping hand
"I thought you were a lens!" (You know it sucks, you would see all the internal organs)
"You're worse than a death's head" (please?)
"You did well, democracy does not mean to make your home comfortable in others"
"If you delete the comments is not a real blog! "
Step 7: Announcement I close the blog
"Wait, do not be hasty!"
"Do not give up, quit would be a shame"
"It is a loss of intelligence "(no exaggeration)
" You get conditioned like that? "
Step 8: I open even on Splinder, practically a sister blog (but not close Blogspot)
" Pirlone, I told you so far now "(I was pirlone?)
" Oh, finally, here is much better! "
" You're a shit squacquera "(I miss)
" Why did not you notice? "(but I was not already married ? mah ...)
Archimedes are a bast and rdello "(with e)
Step 9: you fit it in, stage nine, with your comments.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Cystic Fibrosis Facts
Examples: "That transmitter must be Delivered by Friday." Understand the mechanism? Delivery = delivery, and mean delivered. COCK AND THEN WHY
Ancora: "I test elettrici sono schedulati per metà aprile". To schedule (sarebbe "mettere in calendario") = potremmo dire sono previsti per, o no?
E infine, la peggiore di tutte: "Sulla riuscita delle prove termiche, siamo abbastanza confidenti ". To be confident = essere fiduciosi. Quando dicono così, invariabilmente rispondo: " della Polizia?"
Ma chi parla così non è nemmeno capace di cogliere l'ironia, nemmeno quando dici loro la classica: "Mi scuso se la mia ignoranza non è pari alla Sua, ma..."
Insomma, Nanni Moretti dice in un suo film che “le parole sono importanti” , e io condivido fermamente quest’affermazione, ma Nanni Moretti è Nanni Moretti, se invece lo dico io passo per un pignolo saccente.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Towel Dispenser Motion Sensor How
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Pain Below Navel When Urinating
Monday, October 22, 2007
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Teal Bridesmaid Dress 2010
Sul previsto intervento turco contro i curdi del PKK, Bush ha detto :
"C'è un modo migliore di affrontare la questione che un massiccio intervento militare".
Chissà com'è che non lo hai detto prima di causare decine di migliaia di morti , brutto stronzo!
Monday, October 15, 2007 Cube Field
Monday, October 8, 2007
Old Fashioned Sewing Machine To Buy
Trying to publish a post in the house of the French, under the watchful eye of the Italian soldiers, the captain a few feet away, on a computer for checking the correct functioning of a multi-billion satellite ...
So excuse me if I do further review.
Or, if they catch me, if I do not see you again.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Types Of Companies For Interior Designers
Ah, I forgot: I do not somigghia pe 'nniente !
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Treatment Of Contact Dermatitis
"I give importance to the life of another as far as I can give a bean .
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Church Programing Ideas
Today is the anniversary of the birth of Google, but it is also the date of the conquest of Poland by Nazi Germany in 1939 ( blitzkrieg ).
what will he say?
Che forse dovrei smetterla con questa fissa per le date (e per la Storia).
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Compound Bow Laws Ireland
So che molti resteranno delusi, specie chi non mi ha mai visto e magari si immagina un Archimede con cappello pensatore, becco giallo ed occhialini "a piotta", ma ho provato invece a simpsonizzarmi ed è uscito fuori questo:
E ora dài, infamoni, scatenatevi (And anyway I just want to see you, how did you go out!).
Monday, September 24, 2007
What Type Of Math Do Hedge Fund Managers Use
Have you noticed that when it comes to mind it, no one notices?
Think about it.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Darmowe Strony Z Mysql 5.5
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Fun Initiation Ideas In Schools
Yes, hello? Oh, hello!
Ah, sometimes the alarm will go into alarm by yourself?! In
quite by chance, eh?
What brand is it? Brighella? Puma? Fuck , one of the gates?
Which version do you have? Four point one? Four point two? Five point one?
is wired or wireless? How do not you know, when you installed it did the tracks in the wall?
And then you see that radio! Look, you're sure the battery is charged?
Come on, see if it is on the first LED in the top right or not? But
lit steady red, flashing red, solid green or flashing green?
Flashing Red? And as a bit 'they' 'is history ...
Look, does' na thing: open the front panel. Come on, if I tell you ...
You see that bunch of colored wires coming out of the main board?
goes to the keyboard, right?
But there's a couple that splits and goes to another tab, right?
of 'some', what colors are 'These two threads?
But as fear? Fear of what? But you worry nun '! So?
Red and blue? Mmhhh ... why, they changed?
It's always been red and green ... mah!
Piglia the nippers scissors ... oh well then pija ... I told you do not worry!
You took the scissors? So 'the ones with insulated handle electrician?
No, but how shocking! Ah, so 'equal those of stationery ... alright, come on. Size
that blue wire! Orcozzio, but if you say is' peaceful, feel, no? No
the red, eh? The blue one! And come on, who called me a ffa 'then!
Has something happened? Noo? But how would you have not had the courage!
Like, "and mmo?".
E mo, tap called 'one who understands us ...
Monday, September 17, 2007
Where Do They Sell Ballroom Dresses At
then ... Referring to the previous, in which tumors were associated with plant and its here, these are the exploitation of some political parties that pretend to environmental and instead they end up playing into the hands of the worst destroyers of the environment and try to explain why:
the LNG terminals are nothing more than the "lungs", those who understand (those who used a gas cylinder should have already figured out) mean that the liquid methane (or LPG, which is always liquid) steps for decompression as a gas, heating it a bit 'to ensure that the water may solidify in the air, that's all.
No chemical reactions, no burning wind, the only damage is that there may be some loss of methane but does nothing more than what happens on the stove at home ( or when you have eaten too many beans, I would add ).
The only downside is that maybe you can bother to see the huge tafanari near the beach, but I say you are in Bagnoli to complain of an LNG terminal? Especially since more than half of these plants would offshore. I would give more autonomy gas terminals on the gas market and avoid all the problems that Putin turning off the tap and reducing the costs to the final consumer, namely us. The current situation forces us instead to convert coal-fired power plant that, even with all the necessary precautions, there remains much more polluting than natural gas.
Well, I hope I have helped to resolve some 'fog concerning these facilities.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Free Chicken Plucker Plans
It is evening. Also this September 11th is gone.
now has become a noun, "undicisettembre. There was the ' undicisettembre the world after the' undicisettembre .
The celebrations are over, the images replays of planes crashing into the skyscrapers will be fished in a year, and maybe even go on air Bin Laden is now a virtual, possibly made by Pixar, with its proclamations. This year went well, even a still frame with a beard retouched.
thus not likely to forget (and, incidentally, to live in fear).
Ah, but I can not forget mica. I remember this Sept. 11, and I pity the dead, direct (3000) and indirect (another 3,000 American soldiers and 80,000 Iraqis).
But first I remember that other September 11.