It is evening. Also this September 11th is gone.
now has become a noun, "undicisettembre. There was the ' undicisettembre the world after the' undicisettembre .
The celebrations are over, the images replays of planes crashing into the skyscrapers will be fished in a year, and maybe even go on air Bin Laden is now a virtual, possibly made by Pixar, with its proclamations. This year went well, even a still frame with a beard retouched.
thus not likely to forget (and, incidentally, to live in fear).
Ah, but I can not forget mica. I remember this Sept. 11, and I pity the dead, direct (3000) and indirect (another 3,000 American soldiers and 80,000 Iraqis).
But first I remember that other September 11.
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