Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Shaving Pubic Hair Before Internal

Who vo 'crush and who vo' raw

Should I create a new post, but as they say in L'Aquila, I nun te ' (I do not take [us]). Then I do a post che parla del blog: ma un blog che parla del blog cos'è, un meta-blog? OK ho capito, sto divagando. Ma andiamo con ordine (quello che segue è un melange di commenti e di messaggi ricevuti in privato, in cui molti si riconosceranno):

Fase 1 : Mi registro su Splinder ed inizio a commentare i blog altrui
"Perché non apri anche tu un blog?" (non mi pare il caso)
"Scrivi bene: dovresti metter su un blog" (poi non vi lamentate però)

Fase 2 : Creo un blog, dopo molti scervellamenti su significato, titolo, chisiamo e dadoveveniamo
"Perché l'hai aperto su Blogspot?" (ma porc...)
"In your blog I can not comment!" (Here I'm really sorry)
"I can not even log in!" (Apper)
"Did you already have an account Splinder, it was easy, I do not understand"

Step 3: Coming the anonymous, even if someone actually does so to be recognized
"Why allow anonymous comments on?"
"I warned you this would happen!" (It is true, had done)

Step 4: Allow comments only to those registered
"If I register to comment hope you're cool!"
"Finally, it was the only thing to do!"
"So I just read, without comment" (scrounger ,-D)

Step 5: readmit anyone comment.
come full lyrics. He thought for a bit 'and then delete them.

Step 6: Protests one hand clapping hand
"I thought you were a lens!" (You know it sucks, you would see all the internal organs)
"You're worse than a death's head" (please?)
"You did well, democracy does not mean to make your home comfortable in others"
"If you delete the comments is not a real blog! "

Step 7: Announcement I close the blog
"Wait, do not be hasty!"
"Do not give up, quit would be a shame"
"It is a loss of intelligence "(no exaggeration)
" You get conditioned like that? "

Step 8: I open even on Splinder, practically a sister blog (but not close Blogspot)
" Pirlone, I told you so far now "(I was pirlone?)
" Oh, finally, here is much better! "
" You're a shit squacquera "(I miss)
" Why did not you notice? "(but I was not already married ? mah ...)
Archimedes are a bast and rdello "(with e)

Step 9: you fit it in, stage nine, with your comments.


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