Gossip fisheries, rather than actual preview, because frankly we do not want to deprive you of surprised to find himself in Bologna the next Fiposhow imminent, all the news for this year will herald many exciting.
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Sarà questa la sagoma del prossimo mulinello rotante da Big Game di Colmic? |
Cominciamo così da Colmic che al salone dovrebbe, il condizionale in questi casi è sempre d'obbligo, presentare una linea di mulinelli rotanti da Big Game, sulla scia del rinnovato interesse verso questa tecnica per il ritorno dei tonni nelle nostre acque. La sagoma nella foto svela molto su questa anticipazione che il blog del Pirata come al solito è riuscito a scovare...ma do not ask for more, not even talk about torture ...!
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Saltigo Hyperspeed Lever Drag |
We do not know, however, if the rotating Fassa present the Daiwa Hyperspeed Saltigo Lever Drag the high recovery ratio equal to 7.3:1 with the Carbon Drag Tournament, dual antireverse and centrifugal brake to avoid overspeeding baklash or coil.
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Casting Penn Torque TRQ 12 lbs |
certainly rather not see in Bologna from this new rotary casting of the already popular line of Penn Torque characteristics ASAI interesting that the U.S. is the largest department store preorder online by the end of January. I do not see simply because the Italian company that imports the goods shall not Fiposhow Penn.
And that's all for now ...!
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