Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Is Popcorn Good For Gastritis


Gli ultimi miei viaggi in Africa erano stati alle Bijiagos e in Mar Red a few years ago and it was therefore with great pleasure that I accepted the assignment of 'friend Lia Andrea that I had requested photos of nature and landscapes of the Saloum delta where he managed for 10 years Africa Strike a fishing lodge and ecotourism. Back to taking pictures of cut geographic always been my passion ever since in the 60's eagerly thumbed through the magazines "yellow border" of the legendary National Geographic that came from the USA to my father, with beautiful photographs of the famous reporter the American monthly magazine.

Senegal dugout with sails recovery browsing Saloum

Even the route until the delta is an adventure, you will arrive in Dakar at night and you can never explain what face the crowd shouting at 3 am outside the airport. Then there are 5-6 hours drive to the province of Fatick south on a road that has seen only when the track was built but is now reduced in many respects to a sandy track ... and thank goodness we are not in the rainy season.

Pellicani grigi in volo sull Ile des Oiseaux

Il delta del Saloum è un intricato sistema di canali e fitta mangrovia dove il mare si insinua secondo il flusso delle maree sull'alveo ormai asciutto dei fiumi Sine-Saloum creando un ecosistema ricchissimo di biomassa marina che attrae un elevato numero di specie di uccelli. Aironi, garzette, fenicotteri, cormorani, sterne, aquile pescatrici, limicoli ed altri ancora che trovano riparo nella mangrovia che qui assume dimensioni arboree.

Osprey, note the 'ring on the left leg, signal a tag in juvenile age

Egret in flight
Grey Heron on its perch among the mangroves
In the midst of this primeval paradise land in the center of Toubacouta, there is Africa Strike lodge, a colonial mansion with large porticali and swimming pool surrounded by lush landscaping, in the middle of the forest.

Africa Strike Lodge
The pier with fishing boats, 100 meters from the lodge
And as you know that your kayaker can not resist the call of their fisheries, so cuttings in between visits to the colony of pelicans roost of egrets or gray, took off your Pirate some whim with Captain unruly and combative or African Threadfin fish, capable of running a truly original and now rare overwhelming umbra.
African Thredfin of 10 kg. The lodge record is 13.5 kg.
Still umbra on the 10 kg and a rare Leccia
Forgive me if I could not resist the temptation of the classic souvenir photo ...

But the lure of discovering new things every now and then prevailed on passionaccia fisheries and so I relied on my guide, an expert Elhadj that in addition to excellent fishing is also a deep knowledge of the region and we went a bit around the delta.

harvesters of oysters in a dugout canoe to the collection points
Secular kapok tree (Ceiba pentandra) or arbre fromagier
-Delta fishing and you live as there are so many refrigerators in our homes, the fish is dried, salted or smoked. A flourishing trade is that of the mangrove oyster, women are involved in collecting, drying and opening of the shells of shellfish that exported all over the Senegal are used in a typical fish soup.

One of the places designated for drying fish, the soil is literally covered the remains.

Another places to visit are the many outdoor markets where all trades and you can find everything in a confusion of colors, smells very strong and diverse humanity that is encountered by each part of the region.

Bignè fritti per strada da guarnire con crema di arachidi

L'incredibile eleganza delle donne senegalesi

Il portamento e la dignità di una venditrice di ceramiche
Sono stati 6 giorni davvero densi di esperienze, non solo pesca come avete potuto vedere, ma una full immersion nella natura e nella cultura di questa parte del Senegal che molti occidentali conoscono solo per via degli ambulanti che affollano le nostre città. Si scopre invece la grande dignità di questa gente che non ha nulla ma che si propone con estrema gentilezza e grande ospitalità nei confronti di noi "bianchi" così totalmente diversi. Queste ed altre mille considerazioni mentre sorseggio la mia ultima Flag, ottima birra senegalese, in attesa del mezzo che mi riporterà alla "civiltà" ...(per intenderci sono giusto giusto rientrato in pieno can-can Ruby e puttanaio vario...).

Meglio berci su una beer ...

fiery sunset among the baobab Ile des Coquillages

Adieu mon Senegal. ..


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