A cavallo tra la II G.M. e gli anni '60 in U.S.A era di gran voga il fenomeno delle Pin-Up, ragazze copertina più o meno svestite che affollavano appunto le cover dei settimanali di gossip del tempo. Le loro immagini venivano utilizzate per pubblicizzare grandi marchi e venivano disegnate da autentici artisti del genere. Anche la pesca, un fenomeno già di massa dalle parti degli yankee, venne in parte interessata dal fenomeno delle Pin-Up Girls.
Seguendo un filone collaudato che vedeva anche giocatrici di golf, tenniste, sciatrici etc. i nostri artisti pensarono alla pesca ovviamente a modo loro. Così there is a moschista unlikely that during a loop malriuscito generously engages the skirt showing her legs, Hook Up A Good ... ... the writing says!
the hook and this naughty foot down where it always should have been a great leit motif, heavily exploited in recent times with the current photographic revivals, such as those inspired by the famous girl in red bikini found below.
There were real artists such as Gil Elvgren, called one of the fathers of the pin-up girls, who created masterpieces, which manages to coinvivere gentle malice with bucolic scenes like the girl from the fishing pier, while the seagull stealing fish from the trash.
Or the tasty cutscene siren caught under the pier, an image of Edward Runco, another master of the genre, which combines a glamorous to a construction vignette that today there is definitely
smile but then it worked, well enough to be used in a manifesto urging young people to enlist in the Army just as we can see.
But let's not forget that the style pin-up was not always so soft, the pictures of the girls were sort of substitute for that right-thinking emerging pornography that permeated a company that discovered the luxury the magnificence and accordingly eroticism. Nothing to do obviously with the ostentatious display "Gynecological" these days, but the girls fishing begin to show a thigh, a buttock, perhaps still more in the usual locations, as we know this fish in the process of bathing, a work of Armitage.

With the emerging yachting is also interested in the boat fishing, and the sticker as in the case of this bumbling sailor, always by Gil Elvgren, serves time to advertise one of the first outboard engines ... of course if we all put in motion ends so ...! Please note the red buttons of her skirt blowing a genuine ... spasso.
Non potevano certo mancare in questa collezione un classico come i calendari, nel disegno di Thompson, oggi un autentico must come anche le pubblicità varie di negozi o marchi aziendali legati al mondo della pesca.
Come questa immagine di una pescatrice a mosca che is going to face an unlikely ford Bustiers and patent-leather shoes, then used a "complaint" in a later revision.
resurfaces from time to time with the intent humorous vignettes in which the girl is surprised by the "touched" inert branch of a tree on the river ,
Or the fat in a bikini that is driven on a walnut shell with a rod bent beyond belief.
Scenes tasty that occur alongside the more explicit, more or less where the sorceress clad peep from a pier, or appear to us in their nakedness "innocent" to tickle the mandrill that is in each one of us ...
How to resist the invitation which reads ... "Spalmami of butter" ... with a double As banal sense obvious and alluring.
Even a voluptuously peeps underwater with a fish caught off the spear of Foreign '50s period, when he was just born this new technique, dwell on the mask totofacciale ... ...!
But with photography, new art picture that moves powerfully, the fate of the pin-up artists who made us dream more than one generation of our grandparents and uncles are coming to an end, the last attempt the road painters impossibile dell'iperealismo realizzando ritratti che nulla hanno da invidiare all'immagine impressa sulla lastra fotografica. Ma è l'inizio della fine di un epoca, anche se le le pin-up girls sopravviveranno al tempo arrivando sino a noi.
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