Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Ideas For Church Anniversary Celebration


Joel Sartore, photographer for National Geographic, has created this fantastic video in the hope of stirring the conscience and make everyone understand the importance of biodiversity.

According to the IUCN (The World Conservation Union) is threatened by approximately 23% (1,130 species) of mammals and 12% (1,194 species) of uccelli.

Ogni giorno oltre 100 specie di animali rischiano di estinguersi e tocca a noi fare qualcosa per fare in modo che questi animali non scompaiano dalla faccia della terra..

Is Popcorn Good For Gastritis


Gli ultimi miei viaggi in Africa erano stati alle Bijiagos e in Mar Red a few years ago and it was therefore with great pleasure that I accepted the assignment of 'friend Lia Andrea that I had requested photos of nature and landscapes of the Saloum delta where he managed for 10 years Africa Strike a fishing lodge and ecotourism. Back to taking pictures of cut geographic always been my passion ever since in the 60's eagerly thumbed through the magazines "yellow border" of the legendary National Geographic that came from the USA to my father, with beautiful photographs of the famous reporter the American monthly magazine.

Senegal dugout with sails recovery browsing Saloum

Even the route until the delta is an adventure, you will arrive in Dakar at night and you can never explain what face the crowd shouting at 3 am outside the airport. Then there are 5-6 hours drive to the province of Fatick south on a road that has seen only when the track was built but is now reduced in many respects to a sandy track ... and thank goodness we are not in the rainy season.

Pellicani grigi in volo sull Ile des Oiseaux

Il delta del Saloum è un intricato sistema di canali e fitta mangrovia dove il mare si insinua secondo il flusso delle maree sull'alveo ormai asciutto dei fiumi Sine-Saloum creando un ecosistema ricchissimo di biomassa marina che attrae un elevato numero di specie di uccelli. Aironi, garzette, fenicotteri, cormorani, sterne, aquile pescatrici, limicoli ed altri ancora che trovano riparo nella mangrovia che qui assume dimensioni arboree.

Osprey, note the 'ring on the left leg, signal a tag in juvenile age

Egret in flight
Grey Heron on its perch among the mangroves
In the midst of this primeval paradise land in the center of Toubacouta, there is Africa Strike lodge, a colonial mansion with large porticali and swimming pool surrounded by lush landscaping, in the middle of the forest.

Africa Strike Lodge
The pier with fishing boats, 100 meters from the lodge
And as you know that your kayaker can not resist the call of their fisheries, so cuttings in between visits to the colony of pelicans roost of egrets or gray, took off your Pirate some whim with Captain unruly and combative or African Threadfin fish, capable of running a truly original and now rare overwhelming umbra.
African Thredfin of 10 kg. The lodge record is 13.5 kg.
Still umbra on the 10 kg and a rare Leccia
Forgive me if I could not resist the temptation of the classic souvenir photo ...

But the lure of discovering new things every now and then prevailed on passionaccia fisheries and so I relied on my guide, an expert Elhadj that in addition to excellent fishing is also a deep knowledge of the region and we went a bit around the delta.

harvesters of oysters in a dugout canoe to the collection points
Secular kapok tree (Ceiba pentandra) or arbre fromagier
-Delta fishing and you live as there are so many refrigerators in our homes, the fish is dried, salted or smoked. A flourishing trade is that of the mangrove oyster, women are involved in collecting, drying and opening of the shells of shellfish that exported all over the Senegal are used in a typical fish soup.

One of the places designated for drying fish, the soil is literally covered the remains.

Another places to visit are the many outdoor markets where all trades and you can find everything in a confusion of colors, smells very strong and diverse humanity that is encountered by each part of the region.

Bignè fritti per strada da guarnire con crema di arachidi

L'incredibile eleganza delle donne senegalesi

Il portamento e la dignità di una venditrice di ceramiche
Sono stati 6 giorni davvero densi di esperienze, non solo pesca come avete potuto vedere, ma una full immersion nella natura e nella cultura di questa parte del Senegal che molti occidentali conoscono solo per via degli ambulanti che affollano le nostre città. Si scopre invece la grande dignità di questa gente che non ha nulla ma che si propone con estrema gentilezza e grande ospitalità nei confronti di noi "bianchi" così totalmente diversi. Queste ed altre mille considerazioni mentre sorseggio la mia ultima Flag, ottima birra senegalese, in attesa del mezzo che mi riporterà alla "civiltà" ...(per intenderci sono giusto giusto rientrato in pieno can-can Ruby e puttanaio vario...).

Meglio berci su una beer ...

fiery sunset among the baobab Ile des Coquillages

Adieu mon Senegal. ..

Monday, January 24, 2011

Las Vegas Casino That Has Yahtzeslot Machines


Marco Foddis in the driving seat of the boat to a gathering of Santa Maria Navarrese

I had known it at the last meeting in Santa Maria Navarrese, taciturn, reserved in his role as skipper, but a deep knowledge of the sea of \u200b\u200bOgliastra. Then infected by our enthusiasm had gone along with the madhouse that we, in our carefree days off Sa Pedra Longa in front of the cliffs overhanging the sea. Then yesterday the fate, during a hunt big and it was on those cliffs, he had written another story for Mark. We will all join in the grief of the family at this painful moment in which we are particularly Marco neighbors ... hello!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

How To Attach A Basket Ball Ring To A Wall


Direttamente da Jigging Italia   e dall'amico Carlo ecco la nuova veste optional della serie Zeebass da spinning della nota casa statunitense che ha ceduto alle lusinghe delle tipiche livree jap. Altra novità importante da comunicare a tutti gli appassionati è che dall'anno scorso la Zeebass ha trasferito la propria produzione in Cina.

Hartford Annuities Acd


Anteprima di PPM Solo Barca  di Febbraio 2011, quello che verrà presentato al Fiposhow di Bologna, the new head Mediatika dedicated exclusively to sea fishing by boat. Each month you will in fact services trolling, big game, dritfing, light and vertical jigging, bottom fishing, boat tests, engines and electronics as well as travel itineraries and specific equipment. Happy reading!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Air Soft Colt M1911 Gold

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Tight Confidentiality Clause


Well it's hard to keep in a cage ... kayaker like mercury on a saucer ... the sand between your toes and ... a 'half-dozen other similar amenities ... all worthy repulsive! So a good week for the blog takes a holiday and your pirate set sail towards Africa ... ... a return to first love ... the photograph with the "F" capital ... right not to feel too old ...! We feel when I get back ... bye ... bye!

mangroves on the coast of West Africa

Anniversary Gifts For Parents 37th


L' azienda Akua ha recentemente introdotto anche sul mercato italiano i prodotti della giapponese Ecogear, azienda leader nella realizzazione di esche siliconiche da saltwater per la pesca alle sea bass nipponiche e ad altre specie ittiche. Della Ecogear è infatti questo prodotto denominato Power Oil, si tratta di un liquido rigenerante di alcune tipologie di gomma particolari come i "legs" i sottili filamenti che ornano i nostri kabura. Bastano alcune gocce di questo olio e le "shirts" i "gonnellini" multicolore,  riprendono lucentezza e la loro originaria morbidezza ed elasticità.

When Does Acute Hiv Rash Occur

Photoshop su IPad e Android

From a keen photographer, let me a service notice that I'm sure you will all more than happy. Photoshop in fact released in 2008 after the free Express version of its popular photo-editor that can be downloaded from here after creating your account, offering 2 GB of web space storage and various opportunities to tweak the images that will surely delight of many people who have already stormed the Adobe website for free download, has added a few days an application for Android. From utilizzatore pro di Photoshop la cosa non può che rendermi felice e la dice lunga sull'intenzione del famoso marchio di buttarsi a capofitto dil web. 

Una delle pagine di archiviazione foto della nuova applicazione PS Express

Infatti dopo aver rilasciato la sua applicazione anche per Windows Mobile e gli smartphone Iphone,  Adobe ha reso disponibile PS Express anche per IPad ed Android, andando a completare la release per le piattaforme  più diffuse ad oggi. C' è da aggiungere che l 'application for Android, while not open source, however, is the first and only example of Photoshop that runs on Linux core. Below is an example of the most basic editing operations on IPad now available, in their capacity adapted to the LCD of these tools.

Photoshop Express on IPad
What can I say? It is open to all an infinity of new roads on the storage, processing and real-time sharing of their images as never perhaps we will be expected. How far are the times when you had to wait for film development and printing of photos ... not to mention that the only way was to share the print magazines with the times you were really biblical, or boring meetings among friends forced to long projections Slide the holidays!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Upconversion Dvd Player


Gossip fisheries, rather than actual preview, because frankly we do not want to deprive you of surprised to find himself in Bologna the next Fiposhow imminent, all the news for this year will herald many exciting.


Sarà questa la sagoma del prossimo mulinello rotante da Big Game di Colmic?

Cominciamo così da Colmic che al salone dovrebbe, il condizionale in questi casi è sempre d'obbligo, presentare una linea di mulinelli rotanti da Big Game, sulla scia del rinnovato interesse verso questa tecnica per il ritorno dei tonni nelle nostre acque. La sagoma nella foto svela molto su questa anticipazione che il blog del Pirata come al solito è riuscito a do not ask for more, not even talk about torture ...!

Saltigo Hyperspeed Lever Drag

We do not know, however, if the rotating Fassa present the Daiwa Hyperspeed Saltigo Lever Drag the high recovery ratio equal to 7.3:1 with the Carbon Drag Tournament, dual antireverse and centrifugal brake to avoid overspeeding baklash or coil.

Casting Penn Torque TRQ 12 lbs

certainly rather not see in Bologna from this new rotary casting of the already popular line of Penn Torque characteristics ASAI interesting that the U.S. is the largest department store preorder online by the end of January. I do not see simply because the Italian company that imports the goods shall not Fiposhow Penn.
And that's all for now ...!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Nilesat Sport Frequency


A cavallo tra la II G.M. e gli anni '60 in U.S.A era di gran voga il fenomeno delle Pin-Up, ragazze copertina più o meno svestite che affollavano appunto le cover dei settimanali di gossip del tempo. Le loro immagini venivano utilizzate per pubblicizzare grandi marchi e venivano disegnate da autentici artisti del genere. Anche la pesca, un fenomeno già di massa dalle parti degli yankee, venne in parte interessata dal fenomeno delle Pin-Up Girls.

Seguendo un filone collaudato che vedeva anche giocatrici di golf, tenniste, sciatrici etc. i nostri artisti pensarono alla pesca ovviamente a modo loro. Così there is a moschista unlikely that during a loop malriuscito generously engages the skirt showing her legs, Hook Up A Good ... ... the writing says!

the hook and this naughty foot down where it always should have been a great leit motif, heavily exploited in recent times with the current photographic revivals, such as those inspired by the famous girl in red bikini found below.

There were real artists such as Gil Elvgren, called one of the fathers of the pin-up girls, who created masterpieces, which manages to coinvivere gentle malice with bucolic scenes like the girl from the fishing pier, while the seagull stealing fish from the trash.

Or the tasty cutscene siren caught under the pier, an image of Edward Runco, another master of the genre, which combines a glamorous to a construction vignette that today there is definitely

smile but then it worked, well enough to be used in a manifesto urging young people to enlist in the Army just as we can see.

But let's not forget that the style pin-up was not always so soft, the pictures of the girls were sort of substitute for that right-thinking emerging pornography that permeated a company that discovered the luxury the magnificence and accordingly eroticism. Nothing to do obviously with the ostentatious display "Gynecological" these days, but the girls fishing begin to show a thigh, a buttock, perhaps still more in the usual locations, as we know this fish in the process of bathing, a work of Armitage.

With the emerging yachting is also interested in the boat fishing, and the sticker as in the case of this bumbling sailor, always by Gil Elvgren, serves time to advertise one of the first outboard engines ... of course if we all put in motion ends so ...! Please note the red buttons of her skirt blowing a genuine ...  spasso.
Non potevano certo mancare in questa collezione un classico come i calendari, nel disegno di Thompson, oggi   un autentico must come anche le pubblicità varie di negozi o marchi aziendali legati al mondo della pesca.

Come questa immagine di una pescatrice a mosca che is going to face an unlikely ford Bustiers and patent-leather shoes, then used a "complaint" in a later revision.

resurfaces from time to time with the intent humorous vignettes in which the girl is surprised by the "touched" inert branch of a tree on the river ,

Or the fat in a bikini that is driven on a walnut shell with a rod bent beyond belief.

Scenes tasty that occur alongside the more explicit, more or less where the sorceress clad peep from a pier, or appear to us in their nakedness "innocent" to tickle the mandrill that is in each one of us ...

How to resist the invitation which reads ... "Spalmami of butter" ... with a double As banal sense obvious and alluring.

Even a voluptuously peeps underwater with a fish caught off the spear of Foreign '50s period, when he was just born this new technique, dwell on the mask totofacciale ... ...!

But with photography, new art picture that moves powerfully, the fate of the pin-up artists who made us dream more than one generation of our grandparents and uncles are coming to an end, the last attempt the road painters impossibile dell'iperealismo realizzando ritratti che nulla hanno da invidiare all'immagine impressa sulla lastra fotografica. Ma è l'inizio della fine di un epoca, anche se le le pin-up girls sopravviveranno al tempo arrivando sino a noi.