Thursday, March 3, 2011

Cream Of Tartar To Lose Weight?


Many visitors to the last Fair of Bologna complained about not finding enough new in the stands ...???!!! Maybe you need to know what to look for as your Pirate gruff-looking but feeling good here you craving mob I found a little gem that stand EVEROL.
This is a "knotting" or "Bobin knoter" to put it under the Anglo-Saxon fashion, a small tool for producing the PR Knot, what I personally deem as the best node giunzione tra trecciato e terminale in fluorocarbon.

Si chiama "Twister" è realizzato in alluminio anticorodal e anodizzato gold e acciaio inox, è composto dal classico tubetto al cui interno deve scorrere il trecciato, una piccola  bobina su cui viene avvolto lo stesso dotata di un sistema di frizione regolabile tramite  una grossa ghiera per adeguare la tensione del trecciato.

All'interno della bobina trovano posto alcuni dischi di zavorra in acciaio inox sostituibili at will that increase the weight of the reel according to the diameter of braided line used, the greater the diameter and heavier shall be the whole complex. Emptied of ballast Twister is suitable for PE from 0.4 up to 0.8, with the smallest weight for PE and 3.0 and 1.0 with both weights is perfect for up to 4.5 PE PE 8.0. Simple to use and well laid out, we have preferred a tube inside the ceramic protection lasts, but Paul EVEROL assured me that the interior mirror is beveled and there 'is no problem of a possible weakening of the braid during l'avvolgimento sul fluorocarbon.


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