Da adulta può raggiungere dimensioni dai 24 ai 26cm per le femmine e 14-16cm per i maschi .
Le tartarughe di questa specie passano le loro giornate ad alimentarsi in swamp and bask in the sun and apparently spend the night buried in the mud . annual cycle of Malaclemys terrapin is changing because of distribution of the species . In the northern Atlantic coast , these turtles go into hibernation by November or December and to wake up in April and May . The season active typically occurs from March to November . The populations of southern Atlantic coast can exit the hibernation during hot days winter in contrast with populations of the north coast of the island . These turtles are mainly omnivorous and reproduce twice a year. Females usually lay from 4-18 eggs and the period of incubation is 61-104 days.
There are currently 7 subspecies of Malaclemys terrapin , namely:
-Malaclemys terrapin terrapin
- Malaclemys terrapin centered
- Malaclemys terrapin Tequesta
-Malaclemys terrapin rhizophorarum
-Malaclemys terrapin macrospilota
-Malaclemys terrapin pileata
-Malaclemys terrapin littoralis
These turtles live in calm waters, between the marshes of the coast eastern United States , brackish waters near the beaches .
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