Thursday, March 10, 2011

Cpr Ratio Of Compression To Ventilation


Le Malaclemys terrapin si distinguono grazie al loro carapace relativamente grande a forma di diamante dai colori che vanno dal marrone chiaro fino al grigio-verde. La loro pelle é generalmente di colore blu-grigio con punte nere.
Da adulta può raggiungere dimensioni dai 24 ai 26cm per le femmine e 14-16cm per i maschi .

Le tartarughe di questa specie passano le loro giornate ad alimentarsi in swamp and bask in the sun and apparently spend the night buried in the mud . annual cycle of Malaclemys terrapin is changing because of distribution of the species . In the northern Atlantic coast , these turtles go into hibernation by November or December and to wake up in April and May . The season active typically occurs from March to November . The populations of southern Atlantic coast can exit the hibernation during hot days winter in contrast with populations of the north coast of the island . These turtles are mainly omnivorous and reproduce twice a year. Females usually lay from 4-18 eggs and the period of incubation is 61-104 days.

There are currently
7 subspecies of Malaclemys terrapin , namely:

-Malaclemys terrapin terrapin
- Malaclemys terrapin centered
- Malaclemys terrapin Tequesta

-Malaclemys terrapin rhizophorarum

-Malaclemys terrapin macrospilota

-Malaclemys terrapin pileata
-Malaclemys terrapin littoralis

These turtles live in calm waters, between the marshes of the coast eastern United States , brackish waters near the beaches .

Monday, March 7, 2011

Cat Peed In Leather Purse


could not have been born in a U.S. organization that through the practice of kayak fishing aims to rehabilitate physically and mentally by the war veterans' Afganistam, Iraq, etc.. who have suffered serious physical impairments and mental disorders. His name is HEROES ON THE WATER hence the acronym HOW and has its headquarters in Texas.

founded by some veterans and fans of fishing kayaks amputations reported in spite of serious acts of war were unwilling to give up their passion, how is a nonprofit organization that has

main aim is to help veterans reintegrate fully into society. How to organize this event as a teaching internship of kayak fishing, races, rallies in several U.S. states with the

invaluable help of volunteers, members and friends.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Cream Of Tartar To Lose Weight?


Many visitors to the last Fair of Bologna complained about not finding enough new in the stands ...???!!! Maybe you need to know what to look for as your Pirate gruff-looking but feeling good here you craving mob I found a little gem that stand EVEROL.
This is a "knotting" or "Bobin knoter" to put it under the Anglo-Saxon fashion, a small tool for producing the PR Knot, what I personally deem as the best node giunzione tra trecciato e terminale in fluorocarbon.

Si chiama "Twister" è realizzato in alluminio anticorodal e anodizzato gold e acciaio inox, è composto dal classico tubetto al cui interno deve scorrere il trecciato, una piccola  bobina su cui viene avvolto lo stesso dotata di un sistema di frizione regolabile tramite  una grossa ghiera per adeguare la tensione del trecciato.

All'interno della bobina trovano posto alcuni dischi di zavorra in acciaio inox sostituibili at will that increase the weight of the reel according to the diameter of braided line used, the greater the diameter and heavier shall be the whole complex. Emptied of ballast Twister is suitable for PE from 0.4 up to 0.8, with the smallest weight for PE and 3.0 and 1.0 with both weights is perfect for up to 4.5 PE PE 8.0. Simple to use and well laid out, we have preferred a tube inside the ceramic protection lasts, but Paul EVEROL assured me that the interior mirror is beveled and there 'is no problem of a possible weakening of the braid during l'avvolgimento sul fluorocarbon.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Inside Scoop On Denise Milani


Quando si pensa di averle viste proprio tutte, ecco che spunta, come dal cappello di un mago, l'ennesima novità! Ringrazio così l'amico Rolando Russo per avermi inviato una delle sue creazioni che aggiunge un altro piccolo ma importante  tassello all'esperienza dello spinning.

Artificio 150 lunghezza 150mm peso da 35/41 gr. Floating

Si tratta di un artificiale realizzato per tornitura da un blocco di alluminio, all'interno è cavo e si può smontare per aggiungere o togliere le sfere che costituiscono la zavorra stabilizzatrice durante il lancio ed il nuoto, oltre a produrre un notevole effetto "rattling". Il suo movimento in superificie in questa versione è ad "S" ma montando l'ancoretta di coda sulla testa si trasforma in un insolito WTD. Visitando il sito EVOLURE potremo vedere meglio il movimento grazie ad un video e scoprire altre caratteristiche interessanti circa questo originalissimo artificiale. Lo proverò sicuramente nelle mie prossime uscite... 

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Test Director 7.2 In 2010


A regular in the vegetation Galapogos think about turtles''Lawn.'' Dozens of giant tortoises sterile, as reported by New Scientist, have been released Pinta Island in the hope of restoring the former glory of the ecological site.

On the small island just north of the Ecuadorian archipelago, declared a marine reserve in the second most 'largest in the world, researchers have devised an original way to eradicate the invasive vegetation: last May have been released 39 turtles, 14 specimens females and 25 males, who would have had to recreate the habitat suitable for the growth of native vegetation. Previously, the tortoises have been sterilized to ensure a subsequent recolonization of the site with turtles''type''Espaol, more 'closely linked to the rare''original''Lonesome George Island Pinta.

The experiment, according to the latest news, has achieved its goal. The'' giant tortoises have now begun to eat the weeds and their trampling has also had dramatic effects on these plants - said James Gibbs, head of the project - Their behavior has had a big impact in a very short time.''

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Is Divorce From Bed And Board In Nc A Divorce


PPM only boat in March 2011

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Kyosho Fairwind 900 Sailboat

FISHINGSHOW 2011 Sec. Parte

As promised, we continue the series of images relating to the fifth edition of Fishing Show in Bologna, where he exhibited almost every company in the industry, except those of Carp Fishing shows that have had their sectoral few weeks earlier. As usual, expensive parking, expensive admission ticket even if you could enter the hall of 'EUDI but very few in the' they did! Not to mention the food ... a real shame for a city like Bologna to be done ... the line for a miserable few hours for coffee, leaving the ' aspect prices! In short, there would be many things to review and it is no coincidence that next year the entire underwater Eudi and will move to Milan.

Fisherman "the One Reel" Ocean Master Zab ... happy?
Sasame braided PE Premium 8-core alternative to the Arctic by Varivas

Ryobi Spinning bella serie di canne da spinning completa da Tubertini

Stage Simone tutti guardavano alla sua sx....!!!???

Il "Biancone" Lele Tubertini nel suo stand

Tenya Waki's booth Sasafishing

by Crank Bait Sebile ideal for trolling, it sinks to 3 knots to 12 meters ....!! ! Milo booth

Fins braid imported from Eurosportos including the Hollow Core to the wind on ..!

I love the Golden Award for Marco Volpi and Francesco Mungai

Roberto Ripamonti with Trabucco

Beautiful and functional accoutrements Rapture by Trabucco

Rabasquid, Rabasepia, Rabapai by Tecnofish

Megastand the galactic Shimano ... but we knew all the news from last year ...??

Mascaro Raf by his beautiful are the Loomis spinning rods NRX

Discreet 's interest Tyers committed flies around their terminals

Affollate anche le vasche prova degli artificiali, qui allo stand Molix

I 4 Moschettieri Molix, da sx Muscolo, Vannini, Sammarchi e Beccati

Proteus 130  e Jerkbait Audace 13 da Molix

is how it explains the 'unusual crowd in some stands ... Mortadella attraction ...!!!

The Bridge General Shatf "Teny Special" the only rods seen at the fair for this technique from Italy Jigging

Also from Italy Jigging cane spinning "by Christian Tagliaro"

Jerk suspending  Buginu 140 da Utopia Tackle

Massimo Sanna "Ambermax" e le sue creature da jigging da Utopia Tackle

Saluto finale dalla giapponesina di Duel...arigatò...!!!!

Report completo e più dettagliato anche per il settore traina, bolentino e drifting potrete trovarlo sul prossimo numero di PIANETA PESCA MARE Solo Barca, mentre per ciò che riguarda lo spinning, il surf casting e la pesca da terra nella prossima uscita a fine Marzo della rivista SOLO PESCA DA RIVA entrambe della casa editrice MEDIATIKA   ...arrivederci alla prossima!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Kubota Mini Excavators For Sale Georgia

FISHINGSHOW 2011 Prima Parte

Anteprima del Fishingshow 2011 che a mio parere ha visto una leggera flessione di visitatori, grande ressa dalle 10.00 alle 14.00 il sabato e un pò meno la domenica, poi si poteva circolare con tranquillità. Discordanti i pareri delle aziende sul numero dei catalogi distributed, some complain of others have increased 25-30% less ...? Great interest at the booths of the vertical, spinning, trolling and big game as well as the stands of the largest and most prestigious companies. Almost always filled the stage at the University of Fishing with an attentive and competent, that the fans, to be honest, who did not want to miss this event. The news? Not many but there were neither striking the same, you must really look for them ...! Here you are a first series of images ... enjoy!

Shout News from the Arctic stick Entice the bait and casting jigs jjgs Width Sparrow
Albacore Gorilla 8V in different liveries from Alutecnos

Stick bait WTD by Yamashita

The Diana model posing for the photographers to stand Colmic

's friend Mark drive away with spinning rods Heracles Colmic

Rod Contest Finalists Building "Italcanna Radius

Colmic Boga Grip

New Duel in artificial distribution by IFISH

Japanese girl Duel and Team Staff Planetspin

beautiful and beloved new Saltigo Z 4500

more "human" the Daiwa Oceano 4500J Exceler

Exclusive we have seen the barrel-Trigger A that would be fine for fishing Teny despite being born to fish for triggerfish .....! But we have not had the courage to say to the leaders Fassa ....!

Stand Majora with the kayak flats

The one-piece spinning at sea Megalite Fin-Nor stand Europeche Sport

bait sticks handmade Giampaolo Antoni stand

The Radius spinning stand Italcanna

The contagious sympathy stand

revolutionary Wave Spin reel now imported from Eurosportos

More -