Monday, May 31, 2010

Remington 870 Slug Barrel

screen video projection

I made my screen for video projection.

image measurements: 248 cm x 139.5 cm to 9 cm black border

maturation lasted about one year ..........

Since I purchased my Optoma HD75 projector , I started to think about which media to project the image. For almost a year, this support was the white wall opposite the sofa. In the meantime, my thoughts have been many, as the research done on the Web

The alternatives were 3:

1) Buying a towel roll to be used on the ceiling and roll whenever I wanted to operate the projector.

Advantages: Image quality

Disadvantages: high cost, bulk

2) Use a cloth fixed framed on the wall. In that regard, I printed a sheet of linen (300 cm x 330 cm) with a paste of white silky matt from the printing of fabrics for which I work. Trying the projection on a piece of this fabric, the result I was not convinced.

Advantages: Economic

Disadvantages: image quality just acceptable, cumbersome installation

3) The use of special paint for video projection. Discovery made recently! there are many producers of paint for the projection that also distribute in Italy. I found the following:

Screen goo Canadian distributed in Italy by Schermionline

Proflexx only distributed via the Web in Italy

Mighty Brighty only distributed via the Web in Italy

Leinwandfarbe only distributed via the Web in Italy

After much research and experience on the part of many people on all the existing forums on the subject, my choice where I fell on LEINWANDFARBE 1000ml color purchased at Euro 38.95 Euro 15.00 + shipping. Payment through Paypal and the goods arrive in 3 days.

The reasons that led me to choose this product, are primarily the relatively cheap price compared to other bidders.

A second issue was the color of the screen: White or Grey Digital. The Digital Grey is a shade of gray produced by a correction nero di colore, e amplifica la profondità del nero a discapito della luminosità. Il mio proiettore è un DLP - Digital Light Processing . Rispetto a proiettori Lcd o Led , i DLP hanno già una buona profondità del nero. LCD e LED sono molto più luminosi , ma mancano di questa , per me fondamentale, caratteristica. Di conseguenza, ho deciso di mantenere il colore originale bianco e ho cominciato a preparare il supporto per l'applicazione.

Ho contornato la parte di muro destinata alla proiezione con dello scotch di carta largo 5 cm. Ho stuccato tutte le imperfezioni del muro in modo da renderlo più liscio e omogeneo possibile. Ho carteggiato con della carta abrasiva 200 una volta che the plaster had dried.

To have a suitable background, I used the normal cementite purchased in DIY, and apply with a roller of 10 cm beveled on both sides (to avoid lines). After ricarteggiato I need Startup and was not applying a second coat.

I was ready to give the first coat of special paint, and with great care, leaving no lines or drops or other imperfections, I managed to get a nice white surface, even and smooth.

I can only mask the edges of black to maximize the feeling of contrast. Again, after much research on the Web, I came to the conclusion of use of black velvet ribbon adesivo (sempre al fai da te largo cm 45 per circa Euro 7,00 al metro). Ho tagliato strisce da 9 cm e ho contornato elegantemente lo schermo. FINITO!

Ho acceso il proiettore e sono stato contentissimo del risultato.

Il guardagno del colore è di 1.0 Gain (che per il tipo di proiettore è perfetto)

Conclusioni :

Credo che sia molto importante considerare le caratteristiche del proiettore prima di scegliere lo schermo. La seconda considerazione va fatta in base all'utilizzo dello schermo (occasionalmente per vedere un Blu-Ray oppure quotidianamente uso TV). Quindi, ritengo che la scelta sia molto soggettiva. Infatti nelle mie ricerche ho trovato di tutto. Una cosa però accomuna all screens: the black masking around the screen makes it very much.


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