TENYA RODS was October of 2010 when I published a post on artificial Teny and called today the "new" technique, which is not exactly a novelty indeed, it seems fill pages and pages of forum mezz'Europa, including Italy and Islands. In the wake of this renewed interest in "old" technique Teny-Madai Fishing Japanese, from which they are really curious, I took the trouble to go to sfruculiare on the network to see what is actually in Japan, its country of origin, we can speak of successful real or rumor related to marketing. And what better thermometer to assess the commercial development of a technique, if not the quantity of specific equipment related to it? So here's to you my faithful readers a concise but fairly complete specifications covering some of the barrels by Teny on the market, brands, models, actions and the basic features, rigorously presented , in alphabetical order.
Daiwa Fielder Teny Madai |
Let's start by Daiwa, which already had its Teny last year and this rod in two sizes 2.10 and 2.40 meters. suitable for bait # 2 / 10, respectively 125 and weighs 135 grams and is suitable for PE 0.6/1.0. fiberglass top is very sensitive to color white, for fixed spool reels.
Nories RFB710 ML |
From Nories, Jap company famous for Ayu cane with which we practice una pesca tradizionale, progettata da Norio Tanabe ecco questa canna specifica per jig heads da Madai, in altre parole i Tenya. E' lunga 7'10" 2,39mt per pesi da 7/42 gr. PE 0.6/1.0 e leader max 12lbs pesa appena 123 gr. ed ha 2 anelli Fuji KT (anti Tangle) anche questa in 2 pezzi per mulinello fisso.
Olimpic Indivi Light Tenya Madai 240 MH |
Olimpic, marchio associabile al più famoso Graphiteleader, presenta una canna da Tenya lunga 8' 2,40mt. per PE 0.5/1.0 e artificiali da #3/15, sino a 56 gr. e peso total of only 115 grams, one of the lighter and more powerful, but also among those perhaps more suited to our Mediterranean to the wide range of use.
Shimano Madai-Teny Engetsu |
Shimano proves to believe in the great technical Teny with a series of rods made in Indonesia 4 sizes available 2.10/2.25/2.40/2.55mt. with capacities ranging from # 4 / 10 - # 5 / 10 - # 5 / 12. They reel in the top CI4 very sensitive clutch spigot or backhand are very lightweight and available online at the usual site of Plat of the leech ... would really be a surprise to find them ... but in the next Fair!
Tenryu Red Flip Teny RF230 FL |
New entry for 2011 is this series Tenruy's really interesting for the brand and prestige which comes to its characteristics. Two models RF230 FL long 7'6 "2.39 m. Lightweights for by # 2 / 8 and 0.4/0.8 PE and RF245 FML long 8 'to 2.45 mt from Teny # 5 / 10 and 0.6/1.5 PE it very attractive for our seas.
Some clarification concerning sigle come questa #5/10, che non si riferisce ai grammi ma ad una misura giapponese che nel nostro caso è all'incirca equivalente a 12/35 gr. Da aggiungere che tutte le canne sono in 2 pezzi con cima in vetro pieno diversamente colorata, ad azione sensibilissima e curva parabolica accentuata ma il fusto ed il manico sono più rigidi e tosti.
Aspettiamo di vedere in fiera nuovi modelli da Bridge, by Jigging Italia, da Zenith e da altre case che presto si accoderanno alla nuova "moda". Per il momento è tutto!