few days ago we reported the appeal of
WWF to save the tiger
. Despite his image as strong, in fact for the animal rights association is the most fragile species
di tutte . Così fragile da rischiare di sparire per sempre. Ma purtroppo non è l’unica.
Il WWF ha voluto stilare una specie di triste classifica delle 10 specie più a rischio nel 2010 . E se il primo posto della tigre vi ha sorpreso, rimarrete a bocca aperta anche in altri casi. La posizione più bassa spetta al panda gigante . L’animale, che è il simbolo vivente degli animali a rischio estinzione, è presente nella lista praticamente da sempre. Quest’anno però lascia i primi posti perché, grazie all’azione di molti, ha ricominciato a riprodursi. Ad oggi si contano circa 1.600 esemplari in tutto il mondo. Non sono tantissimi, ma la situazione is better than a few decades ago.
the ninth place we find another one of those animals which, at first glance, seem solid: the Java rhino . With only 60 examples present in two separate locations, this pachyderm is likely to disappear anytime soon. His death sentence is obviously the horn, much sought after by poachers, but also its fundamental properties for traditional Chinese medicine. Following are the
monarch butterfly, which has millions of
specimens, but, with the disappearance of its natural habitat, it could decimate very quickly, and the go Rilla mountain , left with just 720 copies worldwide, also at risk from habitat loss, the bluefin tuna, estimated as at risk of extinction in just three years because of overfishing with illegal techniques; the leatherback turtle, lived on Earth for over 100 million years, but now threatened with extinction with only 2,300 copies female and Magellanic penguins at risk for that global warming is decreasing the availability of fish it feeds on, and which is likely to disappear 12 of the 17 species in the world in a few years.
The lowest step of the podium is unenviable the Pacific walrus. This huge animal lives in the waters of ' Alaska but there, among the massive exploitation of the land and global warming, is seeing its territory shrinking. Finally, the second most endangered animal, before the tiger is the inevitable polar bear. Unfortunately, despite these efforts, this beautiful white bear continues to risk their own survival because the temperatures are too high in the world put him in danger so much as to be sure the experts of WWF its extinction by the end of this century .