By popular demand, here is the post on repeaters for mobile phones, but Having noticed that this time the length was really exaggerated, I decided to approach the subject by breaking it down into episodes, I hope a few . Go to the first.

Many of you have undoubtedly heard the expression electro , a neologism that would indicate - in analogy with the smog pollution - the electromagnetic pollution which would be subject to the space around us, in a city or country, particularly in relation to radio links (or more properly the repeaters) to transmit and receive radio frequency signals (henceforth: RF) of mobile phones. The actual radio links are another matter: they often have satellite dishes (but not only) and are used to transmit signals of all kinds, from those for TV and other telecommunications in general.
As you noticed I used the conditional would like, since the scientific community is divided not only on the effects of these emissions on our health, but even the term itself (electro), according to some scientists (the likes of Tullio Regge, for example), is a real frescaccia, always to put it scientifically.
In fact, this RF, once turned off the transmitter that generated it, it disappears instantly, leaving no trace any atmosphere, water, plants or other physical reality, as opposed to particulate matter, dioxins, Sulphur and lead tetraethyl smog "traditional".
right, then maybe "pollution" is not the right word.
But I certainly do not come to the conclusion that exposure to electromagnetic fields is without consequences: the point is not whether you pollute rivers or lakes, the point is to understand whether and how these emissions would hurt our loved cells. Unfortunately, nobody has a definitive answer to the various studies is in dispute, a poor statistical validity, and the number of samples found that as an extension of time of sampling (heater it will take at least 10 years on many people) even if it is proved that exposure to field issued during a phone conversation the average rises (slightly, but the rising ) the temperature of the brain. After all just think for a moment as we passed, the same principle to cook the meat in the microwave at home: there are at stake and a high power high frequency as well, but not that much: the trick is that it is the frequency at which the water molecule (found in foods) resonates absorbing energy from the RF field and thus heats up very quickly.
Everything thus depends on the dose and times, and as we also see the frequency concerned: to better explain the concept I want to use a comparison, perhaps even too far, since the light is also electromagnetic radiation. If in the middle of August there esponessimo rays of the sun for seven hours in the evening we would have completely burned the body, but if there esponessimo for ten minutes, not even one o'clock in the afternoon, will not escape even tan. Besides the burns would blame that more of the infrared radiation, which binds to the speech frequencies.
So, back to our RF, as well as exposure time other two parameters are important: in fact, the greater the frequency and of RF power, the greater the intensity of effects suffered. Without going into reasons purely physical-mathematical of the question, just know that if two signals have the same power , but one has a higher frequency than the other, it will also have more energy .
NOT Energy equals power, as every physicist knows. Trust me, if you do not trust and I send you a thorough discussion in private full of formulas. It is not a threat, it's a promise.
;-) But then, what are the limits of this jungle of physical quantities that I have listed, to be sure? And how can you make to have a measure of how the extent that we have placed the repeater di fronte casa? Vi posso anticipare che tale limite è stato fissato per legge a 6 Volt/metro (sei Volt per metro), e a quanto pare abbiamo un limite più severo di quello di diversi paesi europei, ma il post si è fatto lungo e chiariremo il significato di questa espressione alla prossima puntata (nel frattempo, potrei modificare la seconda puntata anche in funzione dei vostri commenti e domande).
As you noticed I used the conditional would like, since the scientific community is divided not only on the effects of these emissions on our health, but even the term itself (electro), according to some scientists (the likes of Tullio Regge, for example), is a real frescaccia, always to put it scientifically.
In fact, this RF, once turned off the transmitter that generated it, it disappears instantly, leaving no trace any atmosphere, water, plants or other physical reality, as opposed to particulate matter, dioxins, Sulphur and lead tetraethyl smog "traditional".
right, then maybe "pollution" is not the right word.
But I certainly do not come to the conclusion that exposure to electromagnetic fields is without consequences: the point is not whether you pollute rivers or lakes, the point is to understand whether and how these emissions would hurt our loved cells. Unfortunately, nobody has a definitive answer to the various studies is in dispute, a poor statistical validity, and the number of samples found that as an extension of time of sampling (heater it will take at least 10 years on many people) even if it is proved that exposure to field issued during a phone conversation the average rises (slightly, but the rising ) the temperature of the brain. After all just think for a moment as we passed, the same principle to cook the meat in the microwave at home: there are at stake and a high power high frequency as well, but not that much: the trick is that it is the frequency at which the water molecule (found in foods) resonates absorbing energy from the RF field and thus heats up very quickly.
Everything thus depends on the dose and times, and as we also see the frequency concerned: to better explain the concept I want to use a comparison, perhaps even too far, since the light is also electromagnetic radiation. If in the middle of August there esponessimo rays of the sun for seven hours in the evening we would have completely burned the body, but if there esponessimo for ten minutes, not even one o'clock in the afternoon, will not escape even tan. Besides the burns would blame that more of the infrared radiation, which binds to the speech frequencies.
So, back to our RF, as well as exposure time other two parameters are important: in fact, the greater the frequency and of RF power, the greater the intensity of effects suffered. Without going into reasons purely physical-mathematical of the question, just know that if two signals have the same power , but one has a higher frequency than the other, it will also have more energy .
NOT Energy equals power, as every physicist knows. Trust me, if you do not trust and I send you a thorough discussion in private full of formulas. It is not a threat, it's a promise.
;-) But then, what are the limits of this jungle of physical quantities that I have listed, to be sure? And how can you make to have a measure of how the extent that we have placed the repeater di fronte casa? Vi posso anticipare che tale limite è stato fissato per legge a 6 Volt/metro (sei Volt per metro), e a quanto pare abbiamo un limite più severo di quello di diversi paesi europei, ma il post si è fatto lungo e chiariremo il significato di questa espressione alla prossima puntata (nel frattempo, potrei modificare la seconda puntata anche in funzione dei vostri commenti e domande).